A tale of my weekend yet to be...

Jan 18, 2008 12:39

First of all, this entry starts with me being all apologetic. pierot and I were planning on coming to Birmingham this weekend. Then ksirafai pointed out that she'd bought us tickets to go and see Cirque du Soleil this Saturday, which has rather stymied that plan. I apologise profusely to the people I had mentioned the Birmingham plan to - I'm a ditz and a useless female.

In other news, following on from Failed Skating Plan last weekend, molez and I are trying again this Sunday! Once again we will attempt to venture forth to Streatham Ice Rink, to reduce our feet to cramped and aching lumps of meat. I'm not sure what kind of time-frame we're looking at yet, but I suspect morning/lunch type time. Once again, folk are welcome to come and join us.


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