
Jan 16, 2008 11:53

First of all, I'm so very glad I went into college today. I haven't got any studio work done, but I have had a chat with the head of course, who didn't say "curse you, Sally! Your project proposal was due in before Christmas and I DO NOT HAVE IT! You are now thrown off this course," which my foolish brain had convinced me would happen. Instead he just asked when my fan was arriving (which is my current practical conservation project) and bimbled on contentedly. I then got to have coffee with Keira and Anna, who are on my course, and discovered that everyone else was a bit behind, had their own crisis, and it wasn't just me.

My zen is now restored!

Secondly, I got home to a 'save the date' note from blatherbits in Seattle who is getting married. I have been invited to his wedding. This makes me very happy, for Brian is lovely, and it is also making me seriously consider heading out to Seattle this summer.

When I came back from South America I promised myself that my focus would be on the UK for a while, because I felt like I needed to sort out my life here very badly. And that's mostly what I've been doing for the past four or so years. As a result, my life is pretty drastically improved. I've done one MPhil, firmly sorted out in my own mind that I'm probably not cut out to be a hardcore academic, but have discovered that I'm quite a competent conservator. By August, I'll have finished my current MA, and hopefully will be working.

And that, I think, entitles me to go haring off again. Even if it is only for a wedding.

So, I am poking at flights to Seattle. What I'm considering doing is seeing if I can afford to take a week to fly over there, maybe drag pierot along (I've wanted him to meet Brian for ages, mostly to check that they aren't the SAME PERSON based on some of their views, especially about role playing), get a hotel and just wallow in the loveliness that is Seattle (it's my favourite US city and one of my top ten cities in the world). I could try and meet up with melsner, who I have not seen in a long time, and he and Jeremiah could run off together to shop.

The only thing that might get in the way of all this is the possibility that I'll be either working, or moving house at the end of August and it might be difficult to arrange a week's holiday around that. I am, however, hopeful that this can be resolved.

plans, university, general life update

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