Feb 09, 2007 21:13
Luby Moments: FOF, TYLS, Hindsight, THS, AACE, INN, BL, GD, DIS
("You don't have to talk...", Breakup, "I miss you, Abby", If you don't know what happened, bloody watch it again, "I'm pregnant...", "I want US to...", Joe's birth, "I love you", Well, you just watched it) I was being very strict, I think (otherwise all of S12-13 would be here)- maybe one could argue for MA to be instead of FOF, and for Hindsight to be removed, but this is my LM (tm) list.
Heeee. Just felt like doing that, I did. Sorta wish I knew of any good forums to go squee at, but then again I've been ranting so much about immature lubies lately that I'm not sure I'd feel very ethical doing it =P
It could've been longer, sure. Hell, I could have watched a whole episode devoted to it. But it fit them - slightly unconventional, but that is as it should be with these two. (I did totally grin when he got down on one knee, though!)
The minute I heard Simon say that scared as hell part I knew it would be IT, and it was a good line. Fit Abby perfectly - I hadn't read any sides or anything but I figured her speech would be along those lines, and I'm glad I was right (I'm so much better at analysing ER than HP, by the way).
I totally feel like making some cheesy collage of MA-DIS, but the equipment on the Mac won't let me even if I tried. And it feels very lame saying this, as the former owner of the largest luby screencap site, but, I don't have the caps either... *groan* Just as well - I've forgotten about everything I ever knew about PSP/graphics ever since I stopped working on the PC full-time (I can't understand Seashore for the life of me, barely even copy/paste...)
Ah, well. Now I remain unspoiled, at least I think so, but I'm guessing there will be a wedding eventually, and that it will be in the season finale? I mean, it doesn't take an O in Divination to figure that out (and I never said it if it doesn't happen. By the way, don't you love how I now use HP metaphors in the real world? God.)
My wish-list for a luby wedding, whenever it takes place (hey, I actually had this up on L-A.com... too bad no answers remain *grumble* Damn hackers.)
- nothing enormous. I don't think it'd happen, but can't be too careful. We're talking divorcee and widower, and even though it's possibly not a good enough reason in itself, it is for these two. I'll have the head of the first fangirl to suggest a big white dress, but I could take a church. (Why does no one get married in churches on TV, by the way? Is it about the shows I watch, or don't you Americans have this practise? ;)
- I'd love for Kerry, Susan and Carter to be there, but I'm guessing that only Kerry is any possibility at all. (Yes, I am such a machoist that I want Carter there. Rub it in, rub it in... ) Heck, wasn't NW supposed to come back? Not that I miss the guy, but this could be a good time (since it'd be pretty hard to make it all about Carter....)
- would really like Maggie there too, and Luka's father, but again I'm guessing only Maggie would have a chance. I don't get why we've never gotten to see anyone from Luka's family, though - can't be that bloody difficult to find somewhat dark people with some kind of European accent, dammit.
Well, then I've always wanted it to be in Croatia too, but THAT's not happening...