Great. Just great.

Aug 11, 2013 12:51

Feel like I'm having an alergic reaction.
But only ate normal things.
Finished breakfast, eggs as usual, then had a bannana...then reacted. How the hell is one alergic to bannanas? so that leaves the eggs...a more common alergin but I've been eating them for ages and ages....or it could be the coconut oil I cook them in.
Very anoying.

Coconut oil I could live without. I love the stuff but hey I can addapt. Egg? No. Just...what the hell? what would be my breakfast food and it would cut out so many other things too as it is an ingreediant in so many things. Ugh.

Well...If I have to go to the hospital that will get me out of the BBQ.... -_-
Still not at all what I wanted to do today.
At all.

Thankfully benadryl seems to be working.

Also need to go buy some more now.
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