
Aug 10, 2013 23:33

Kinda meh and rundown today.

The hike seemed ok. I hope everyone liked it! Little worried I didn't give them more...oh well...we'll see if they give any feedback.

Saw my first Purple Martins this week! Was super exciting and I totaly geeked out and spazed out. But now I'm kinda disapointed. No one else seems excited about it as me. This is the first time they have been seen roosting here and there must be a collony nearby but no one knew about it and I FOUND it and no one seems very excited.
I was excited.
Now I kinda feel the wind knocked out of me.
I also wanted to put up housing but got a nice reality check from our fundraising guy. "Oh thats a 'nice to have', and not a priority at all." Jee...thanks. Hes right of cource but still...deflating. and really its a big commitment so maybe I won't bother. Sadly its only the birds that suffer because they really do lack nesting sites.

Also I am getting fed up with authors, well with crappy authors.
Now I am ranting about big bangs here and this is by no means a bash on the mods. The mods are great and are wonderfull and its a huge job that they carry well. Its the authors I am pissed with. BBs use to be the BEST fics of the year. All the fics seemed epic. I'm not sure if I'm just becoming more jaded or having higher standards now but the last few years the BBs seem to be really lacking. I find maybe two fics that are great and epic and good. It is so bad the last few years that I have given up on stories only a few pages in. The last one I only happened to 'finish' because I had nothing else new to read at the time and was stuck. I THOUGHT I was about halfway into the fic and the fic was so bad I was going to give up but like I said, had nothing else so continued on and then it was like "Maybe the end?"
I kid you not.
That is how the author ended it.
It was so badly writen I was just astounded and then to get to the "end" and it is CLEARLY not the end...thats the second BB in as many years to do that! This is pissing me off. The BB clearly state it must be a complete story.

Last time that happened I made a comment on the fics BB post that it really needs a warning. The fic was not complete and future readers really should know that, there really should be a warning! It was deleted by the mods. Truly annoying. The author STATED at the end that they were posting the 'second half' of the story on another BB for another community. Really? the BB rules state clearly it should be a finished fic. I did not think it was to far fetched to ask the author to post a warning that the fic was not complete and to advice readers where to find the next half.

Apparently that was to much to ask.

I assume the author was getting to much flack cuz the next day all posts were deleted (including the indication on where the second half of the story could be found) and all comments were locked. Without said comments from the author the bb mods had to 'stand behind their author'...which I could maybe understand if I was the ONLY one posting complaints but I know I was not. And really whats the point of moding a community if you just let people break the rules? if you get a certain threshold of comments on an author or fic don't you think you should check it out for yourself and make the call? anyone who actually READ the fic could tell it was not complete.

And now after it apparently happening AGAIN in a fic I just read (thought it was a BB but maybe mistaken). blatantly NOT the end of the fic I don't know how it can be posted...
And I don't think I'm even going to bother commenting on the fic cuz last year I just got yelled at for my trouble. And all I posted was just a one liner "FYI this fic should be considered a cliffhanger" (and I don't even think I said "may not be complete" even though the author STATED THAT it was only the first half.) but I still got in trouble and my comment deleted.

I consider it a common decency to let your readers know when your fic does not have closure.
Seriously. What is with ff authors these days?

Sorry, but unless I know the author or a fic comes rec'ed to me...I'm giving up on reading them.

The Big Bangs are no longer 'to read' for me.
Sad really.
Really sad.
They held such high regard for me for so many years...and there was so many epic stories for those years.

Heck I'm mostly giving up on the regular communities too...but in my mind the BBs were always the 'best of the best' but not anymore...

Maybe its a sign of the fandom in general? We've reached a critical mass that now we have so many wanabees? I don't know. I don't think I'm explaining it very well but it's just so disappointing. The most recent disappointment just read more like a story outline than a fic...jumping all over with no references, no character build, no context for the next scene or next line...was jaring and pathetic.

And I find myself really longing for those good fics. I really really want to read and really miss the epic fics....heck I'm starting to miss just "GOOD" fics. And part of the problem is because I've got burned a few times now I DON'T read new authors so that will prevent me from finding the epic fics unless I can take a chance on new authors...or find some super rec coms that like what I like...but even then I could miss some...

So I'm not feeling so happy today.

Also have a BBQ tomorrow that I REALLY should go to but really don't WANT to.

...guy I was really obsessed with and pined after and made myself a TOTAL FOOL OVER is having a engagement BBQ....
Just made SUCH an embarrassment of myself and he totally....made it worse! *deletes gory details* It was years ago and well before he got together with the current girl but I just am still so pissed. and I know I should go to the BBQ and wish them the best but really. I don't want to. I do wish them both the best. I don't hold a grudged against them (I am only pissed at HIM and what he did way back then) but I just don't want to go. And I just have so many better things to do with my day but if I don't go that could make this awkward at work...seeing as I still work with both them...

And the whole thing with the fics is just pissing me off.

I want fic to lose myself in and can't even find any good fic to do that with.
So ya.
Pissed, annoyed, moody and don't want to bother with the event tomorrow but kinda have to.

And really wishing I had some good, new fics to read. Cuz I'm re-reading things but theres only so many times you can read one before needing something new.

Edit: Maybe the fic I am most recently disappointing in and ranting about was not a BB....but I have no idea where I got it then because I really haven't been in the coms other than BB much this summer.
So I'm still a bit bitter about last years BB experience I'll have to retract any comments on this years BB...
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