I feel touched.

Jan 16, 2010 16:46

I have some news that I can't label as "good" or "bad" because it just is, but I have a good feeling deep down inside about teaching. I met my master teacher and here are some immediate signs why we are going to hit it off: she was brewing Tazo tea which I just did at home before our meeting, we both have organized chaos, she was chosen to pilot the Expository Reading and Writing Course curriculum this year and I wrote my own 30-page module last summer, and she tells me like it is because she had a great master teacher herself. Paying it forward! So far, so good.

I'm not going to lie: I am nervous about the students and faculty. I'm sure it's just me. I need to take this next week to stare at the wall and think about how I am going to approach this. Branching off of my resolutions, I need to talk myself into believing that I can do it! Thank God I seem calm and collected because on the inside, I'm screaming "Ahhh!" the whole time. For example, when I found out that I would be teaching Frankenstein I started to panic but then I realized that 1. I graduated college. 2. I have studied more difficult texts. 3. I can have fun with it. See? this is literally what runs through my mind and the process I have to take to calm myself down. I just need to prepare myself and sort everything out in my mind. Wish me luck.

Also, I just received this message:
"My class prayed for your mom today after we meditated :)"

Sometimes I get surprised when a friend shows that they care for me because of unhealthy friendships I have had in the past. I need to remember that these people exist: ones who are genuinely there and carry out nice actions such as the one above (she teaches Sunday school).

Keeping it positive,
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