Venture into the unknown.

Jan 06, 2010 01:51

I have settled for this as the theme of my 2010. Venturing into the unknown does not necessarily mean my physical location but in figurative terms of pushing myself to the bounds or trying new things I usually wouldn't do otherwise. I think this is quite appropriate considering the first half of this year will be my first official entrance into the classroom as "Ms.Tran" and I'm going to need the motivation to survive whatever is to come within those four walls. Besides that, I know nothing else of 2010 and I am excited to see what is in store for me.

2009 was truly a test of my abilities to handle change and care for all those around me. My sister got a restraining order against her ex-fiancee and my mom is still in a coma after a hemorrhagic stroke. Both of these situations took majority of my time and attention for obvious reasons. I had my share of successes academically, graduating with a credential and getting accepted into USC for Fall '10, but also suffered a large emotional climb and dealt with an immense amount of stress. For these reasons, my new year's resolutions are as follows:

1. I want to focus on my health.
I have lost some weight and I want to keep it off by appointing time for physical exercise (yoga sculpt and hot yoga..and just walking/jogging) and continuing to eat healthy. I buy all of my groceries to pack lunch and cook meals; it's been saving me a lot of money on eating out. I also want to make sure I schedule doctor's visits to keep all of my cholesterol/sodium/whatever levels in check regularly. I need to sleep earlier, and if I stress, I need to make sure to take a deep breath and take time out for myself.
2. I will try not to doubt myself.
You have to like yourself before others can, and I do like myself. I have a positive attitude and even in the darkest of times, I see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I love seeing the people around me succeed and move toward something greater. I am fair and very understanding of others: I naturally put myself into their shoes before I draw a conclusion --if there's one to be made. I am a great friend who is considerate of others' needs, wants, and concerns. Overall, this means that I will try not to let anyone tell me otherwise, bring me down, or doubt my role as a good friend, worker, or whatever that may be. I am hopeful yet realistic, lighthearted and enjoy little things in life..I don't need to justify anything to those who choose to believe otherwise.
------irrelevant but equally important resolutions are
3. I will try to be on time.
I need to stop thinking and just go. Plus, I hate rushing. I don't know why I do it.
4. Write more for therapy.
Private or not, the entries need to come back!
5. Cook more using recipes from and continue going "green" (quote Katie) by using my paper plates and bowls.
Thanks Bobby Flay for that magnificent lemon basil salmon with whole wheat spaghetti on Christmas.
6. Make short distance trips.
Even if it is by myself, I want to see more of California and surrounding states. More nature and foliage this year is preferred.

I hope for a great 2010 with a fresh new start to all things Annie. Please, let this be a good one.

I think I will also try to post pictures of my "new" room when I get the chance.
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