I caved. I couldn't help myself. I had to do it. The Tennant haunted me ALL. DAY. LONG.
I watched The Christmas Invasion, and it was fucking AWESOME, and I kept writing down squeeing things throughout the entire episode and now I am sharing with all of you.
--Love the parallel openings between "Rose" and "The Christmas Invasion", with the big zoom-in from outer space. Very nice connection between the two "beginnings."
--David Tennant collapses so beautifully. That wonderful little melt in front of the TARDIS just ... GYAH. My heart? In my throat. The bastard owns me so hard.
--The Doctor's pajamas make my timbers shiver. I want to wear them to bed every night. Mmmm.
--Awwww, poor Rose. Billie Piper really does such a wonderful job in this role, and seeing her all confused and frustrated by the refrigerator tugged at my heartstrings.
--Can I just say that I fucking love Jackie Tyler? She cracks my shit up, and the way she gives that withering look at the sleeping Doctor when she says "she just barges in and litters the place," just kills me.
--AHHHHH!!!! "Help me!" All it takes is for Rose to whisper those words in the Doctor's ear and he snaps into action. YES. That is beautiful. It is almost as beautiful as David Tennant in that robe. Mmmmm, yes, darling, you certainly ARE bursting with energy. Ohhhh, the glorious angst of the Doctor's regeneration and it going awry! It makes me happy in all my happy places. :)
--The fruit in the dressing-gown!!! Oh, God, stop charming the bejesus out of me, David Tennant. Stop sweating in the bed. Stop it. omg i am your slave
--I want a war room. What? I do.
--BWAH! I love that Harriet Jones introduces herself in the EXACT same way she used to before she became Prime Minister. "Yes, I know who you are." *snicker*
--"He's broken." Does Russell T Davies realize what those words do to me? Those are, like, my favorite words ever. MEEP. And then Jackie sweet-talking the Doctor!
--SYCORAX ROCK, MOTHERFUCKER!!! *flicks lighter and requests "Freebird" for an encore*
--Ooooo, the blue light is fucking scary -- especially when it harnesses the kids up like that. And Jesus, all those people standing on the edges of the roofs, good God, that is freaky. And I also love the A+ bloodtype being the uniting factor between all these people.
--Fuck, David Tennant gives sexy coma.
--BWAH! I love Rose trying to cite the Shadow Proclamation and bullshitting up all these alien names. That's awesome.
--Dude, tea saved the Doctor. Now THAT is fucking British. *loves*
--"I haven't seen blood control in years!"
--Oh my GOD the Doctor just quoted "The Lion King". I. Am. DEAD. No, really. I am fucking dead. Seriously, I--
--But I will come back from the dead long enough to lick the Doctor's new fightin' hand.
--"No second chances. I'm that sort of a man." And you are also the sort of man who is going to ruin a whooooooole lot of knickers, you sexy bastard.
--EEEE! OMG I am LOVING the Doctor shopping for new clothes! That? is fucking CUTE. And oh, God, the minute he stepped out in that suit, with that coat ... it just CLICKED. I'd loved him through the entire special, but that was when he really, really became the Doctor to me. He just pulled it off *beautifully*. Tennant has so much gleeful, giddy, boyish glee ... MEEP.
--And the Doctor/Rose relationship? Still just as strong, just as hot, just as kinetic as ever. Billie Piper and David Tennant have wonderful chemistry, and the previews for the rest of the season? *dies dies dies dies* OMG!!! When does it START?!?!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to pass out from joy and then watch "Attack of the Graske", because
taraljc is the BOMB, and I am spoiled with Tennant-y goodness tonight. And yes, fucking YES, I needed an icon of this shot, because I don't think anyone can possibly be immune to Ten's glasses and paper hat of awesome, and
_jems_ is god for filling this terrible void in my icon lineup.