I have decided that my car and I are going to get married. I'm that much in love with it. My sweet little Miata is so much fun to drive. It's all "GRRRR!!!" on the road, and it hugs curves like it wants to have sex with them, and the sound system just plain kicks ass. I've officially been a Bad Energy Consumer in the last couple of days -- I took joyrides. What? Can you really blame me? NEW CAR NEEDS JOYRIDING. The end. :)
Other than driving, I've been busy as hell, trying to get the car deal sealed up (we have a bunch of installed equipment in the old Saturn, like a security system and my XM radio, which have to be removed) and working. Momboss is at a conference in Florida, so I have the office all to myself. This is equally fun and frantic. OMG STUFF TO DO SO MUCH STUFF TO DO STOP RINGING PHONES!!!! *smacks telephones* NAUGHTY. I think I might stay late tonight to get some stuff done, because I want Momboss to come home to an empty desk, because I am a good daughter/employee that way. Plus, y'know, she bought me a car. ;)
this is the best bumper sticker in the entire world. PARTY ON.
ETA: Also, for those of y'all who wanted pictures of the uber-creepy message in the Social Security OHA, they're coming and should be posted to my LJ tonight. :)