shake off the sadness soot

Jul 19, 2005 12:12

TODAY IS FRUSTRATION!!! I hate machines. Machines SUCK. That's all I'm sayin'.

But last night was lovely, as I combated my PMS by finishing up Season 1 of Gilmore Girls (what? estrogen makes me want cute mommy/daughter relationships and snuggling), and omg I'd completely forgotten that Grant-Lee Phillips did a bunch of cameos as the town troubadour! Awwwww! He's so fucking CUTE and DORKY and in the finale, when the rival troubadour starts playing across the street and Grant hangs his dorky little head in pain, I meeped and adored. And he can ACT! I was impressed! Plus, every time he sings, I sing along, because I am Obsessed Grant Fangirl. What? I am.

BTW, I said it last year when I first met him after a concert (TWO CONCERTS TWO CITIES IN A ROW WOOOOO I STALK!!!) and I'll say it again -- Grant-Lee Phillips is the most genuine "rock star" EVER. He literally BLUSHED every time someone paid him a compliment, borrowed a pen from one fangirl to sign autographs and pulled out his wallet to pay her for it (naturally, she refused payment *g*), and let me giddily hug him for a picture. ADORABLE. I love it when your idols actually surpass your expectations. :)

ANYWAY. I am feeling particularly chatty today (and extremely amused by allllllllllll the wank that HBP generated hahahaha), and therefore, I baaaa like a sheep and post a meme. Ganked from everyone on my friendslist, but specifically girlfromsouth:

Ask me for "top five" lists of pretty much anything, and I will list you my top five of that thing or things.

Copy and give your own top fives.

I may not get to every comment right away (hello, work!), but I *will* answer them all before the day is over. So go for it! Anything and everything is game. :)

memes, gg, music, grant-lee phillips

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