FIC - Indulgence ~Mayuri, Ishida (no pairing) ~PG13

Nov 26, 2008 11:32

Title: Indulgence
Pairings/Characters: Kurotsuchi Mayuri, mentions of Ishida Uryuu
Spoilers: Takes place right before manga chapter 317
Warnings: mild horror?
Rating: PG13 for language and repulsive implications
Word Count: 780
Prompt: gluttony
Written for: week #38  Read more... )

ishida, contest-entry, bleach, mayuri, fanfic

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Comments 13

liralen November 26 2008, 20:50:02 UTC
*grins* Cool that you found someone.

A very plausible premise for Mayuri. The only line that confused me was the following: It was like a prize. Perhaps it was an over indulgence to begin testing on the shinigami now,

On the shinigami??



annieroo2 November 28 2008, 02:59:41 UTC
Beta all done and fixed up. Thanks for the pointer! Definitely very confusing. I just hope I did justice to the rest of the beta suggestions. :D

Thanks so much for reading this. It isn't my normal fair. I like more upbeat stuff, but sometimes my fingers seem to type a story all on their own, even when I'm freaked out about it. *laughs*


vayshti November 28 2008, 10:42:13 UTC
just hope I did justice to the rest of the beta suggestions. :D

Most definitely! In particular, the way Mayuri moves around the lab works v. well now.

And yeah, standing back and re-reading again? Your Mayuri is cold, even when talking about hot topics like revenge, or fun. Creeeepy.


annieroo2 December 1 2008, 15:21:23 UTC
LOL! Thanks. I think XD

Cold and creepy is what I was going for. Why I was going for that I'll never understand, but I was.

And you icon... freaks me out and is completely appropriate. :D

Thanks for all the work you did and the pointers where I needed to tighten up the story. I really appreciate it. *hugs*


xshelaghx November 28 2008, 04:07:31 UTC
yup good and creepy.

He was confident he’d be able to weave enough pain into his experiments to exact retribution without compromising the data.
-my fave line :D


annieroo2 December 1 2008, 15:26:50 UTC
Thanks! At least I got Mayuri as his creepy self, even if it freaks me out every time I write him. XD

I REALLY appreciate you reading this. It's not like it's my normal fare.

Thank you for the lovely comments as well. :D


yawns_widely December 2 2008, 13:11:04 UTC
Oh my, I think you've really captured the mindset of a ... ahem ... mad scientist. I love his stance on SS and the war, it seems so fitting, and as liralen said, plausible.

I love how you have his intellectual and superiority complex in full view, as he tries to justify what he's going to undertake -- it's such classic reasoning for morally grey people, that much of the scientific community seems to comprise, and Mayuri seems to encapsulate so well. Well done.

If nothing else, it makes me feel pity for Ishida (not an easy accomplishment I tell you), because he's in for a world of pain, and you just know it's going to be inventive -- no blunt strikes, no easy 'black out' cards.

You know, for someone who doesn't like darker stuff, you do an excellent job of writing it.


annieroo2 December 4 2008, 07:25:07 UTC
Yeah, you know when I write stuff like this it disturbs me. I like to think I'm fairly well adjusted but when something like this comes out of my mind I start to wonder if maybe I'm slipping. XD ( ... )


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