Multi fandom post! (or, my shows are almost all back! woo hoo!)

Sep 24, 2008 15:33

House saved Penny's life! (We've strayed into Dr. Horrible territory there, but the actress had even the same haircut/style and clothing!)

Noticed for the first time that Hugh is now an Executive producer as well. V. interesting.
And the private investigator character? may be the first interesting male reoccuring character this show will have, and we've up to season five, dudes (Let's see... Volger? no. Tritter? no. I'm not counting the ones that were eliminated in the survivor game last season, because the writers themselves didn't know who they'd keep from the very beginning. They can bring back old!notadoctor!guy anytime natch).

But, oh, the ICK factor was strong with this one. That... is not something I miss.

My navy-but-not-really Show is back! With Lovely ABBY/Gibbs interaction, and promises of team reuniting very shortly *beams*.

I was bummed about Lee. I called her involvement from the moment they said the pillow had been used to cover the victim, not muffle the noise, but hoped I'd be wrong. I've liked her from her secret meetings with Palmer (Boy toy!HAHAHA) to the undercover stint with the chinese mafia.

Speaking of Palmer, he does have other character traits besides making improper remarks, writers! Try to remember that for the future, please.

Tony calling Gibbs "Dad" and Tim-as-little-brother (your shifty eyes are not suspicious AT ALL, Tony! Thank God you're such a master at undercover, otherwise where would we be?)  was so many kinds of adorable!

And McGee's got his geek ducklings imprinting on him! Also awfully adorable.

We finally got to see the Psychotic David!dad. Not sure how I feel about him, or his accent.

In other news, I know you've been lying awake at night, thinking "when is anniehow gonna rec us some more SPN fic?". Well, the wait is over!

'Cause I have not one, but two tags to Lazarus Rising right here, waiting for you! Both by vanillafluffy , both gen, both PG, and both kick ass.

First is None So Blind, where and external POV describes the aftermath of Pam's seance, and the one visitor that comes to see her. The OC is well rounded, Pam is strong and not in the least cowed by her ordeal, and the resolution, far from being candy canes and rainbows, is both satisfying and something I hope will go canon. It would fit perfectly with the tone of the show.

Second is The One About The Traveling Salesman, and it's a story about a devout man, struggling with temptation. I wondered about Castiel's "vessel", and what would drive someone that hot to pray for "that", and this answered my question beautifully.


Poll And now confess!

house md, ncis, supernatural, fic rec

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