The awed rec: SPN novel

Jan 25, 2008 20:14

Not, as the title could lead you to believe, one of the oficial tie-in novels, but a novel lenght fic, and it's at THE PIT. Tremble and fear!

Here's a little factoid about me: I read with the intensity of a buddist monk meditating. Seriously. Give me a book I like and I can read it cover to cover without stopping, and that includes skipping meals, not sleeping and even forgetting bathroom breaks. This means that if it's a long book when I reach the final page and shake back to the RL I can be feeling pretty rough (OMG! my bladder! My glucose!).

In Reverse, by Sodakey (gen) had this effect on me. I read it until 2 am last night, and would have happily stayed up all night to finish if left to my own devices. Since I am actually living with other humans and have to keep the impression of civility (as opposed to a cave dwelling hermit with lots of books and a high speed internet connection), I only finished it this evening.

Do I have to say that I loved it? I luuurved it! Do I have to say that it was well written, well plotted, and well researched? I gather that it was the guilty indulgence of a professional writer, who wanted to play with the Winchesters and outside pov and h/c. Took more than a year to finish (but it is complete) and it's as long as a normal paperback. Humm, or it least I assume that, basing it on the time it took me to read it. Loved it so much that I wish it were one of the official tie-in novels, so I could have it on lovely paper to have and to hold and to pet and to call george *g*

It's set after Faith, in season one, and it's the brothers taking on a job right after that. Only it's a place where John had already hunted once, ten years before. And it's also where Sam runs into a group of his old friends from Stanford, there on holiday. I was especially impressed by the OC (the friends), who are all individuals with their own chacteristics, and how the author managed to juggle such a large cast without ever taking away from the Sam&Dean show :) Man, but I would love to see a sequel to this :D

supernatural, fic rec

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