The return of the drive-by rec

Jan 24, 2008 16:16

I have a schedule I'm supposed to follow if I want to prepare two exams by mid feburary like a good girl. This schedule? does not involve any internet between the hours  of lunch and dinner. So, obviously, today after lunch I went for a little nip and here I am, an hour and a half later doing a rec because I read an awesome fic and if I back-burn it I'm afraid it'll get lost. Sigh. Anybody have some self-discipline to spare? I seem to have misplaced mine *headdesk*

Turning a blind corner by 
cofax7 is a great gen preseries look at John as a single father/hunter doing his best. And, since I love John even with all his faults and foibles, I absolutely adored it (even though if I came across a shady guy like him with two small kids in RL I'd probably freak, but then I've never claimed I didn't have double standars when it comes to RL and entertainment ;P)

What's even better is that I found this because the author felt that the new Supernatural comic Kripked it, but IMHO if you handwave away the cover art (not bad this time around, especially in comparison to Origins, blah) the rest could be art made for the fic and it makes me smile. Check out the previews for the comic!

supernatural, fic rec

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