By now you're probably aware that there's
this published author who's posted her outrage at the very notion of people using her characters to write badly spelled porn (=fanfic). She finds this despicable and skeevy, and the fact that her main stud in her books is based on her actual husband (and his wife is based on... you guessed it, herself) may or may not have something to do with it.
I'll take this opportunity to link to
an excerpt to a SPN tie-in novel, officially published and therefore kosher by her standards, or at least legal standards, and let you ponder on this: if people just stopped sharing fanfic with each other, all we'd be left with if we wanted a little extra taste of that one canon we love so much, it would be mostly at this level. And, while I'll cheerfully admit to having read much, much worse in my long and fruitful life as a fanfic reader, especially when it catered to my whims and interests, I am just going to say that as soon as I read the premise, I thought "wow, I'll have to measure up to
Bigpink's fic. That'll be tough."
In other news, here's a link to a long, plotty, great Dean/Cas pre-slash/slash fic that's crack!not!crack. As in, the premise is pure crack, but then the execution isn't. Now, I had some issues with the writing here and there, and a couple of times I thought it was lagging and in need of a beta tune up, but I didn't stop reading, and OMG I'm so glad I stuck with it because the plot and the characterizations are really a joy to behold. It helps that this is exactly how I imagine Michael to behave, btw. It has been Jossed by now (of course it was going to be Jossed anyway), since
Better The Devil, rated R, by
seaouryou is a "how the apocalypse could end... and what happens next" story, but I can see it. I really, really can see it.