Steve Sloan (Diagnosis: Murder) wp

Feb 20, 2012 15:16

Saw an ep of Murder 101 today, which made me miss D: M so I made this.

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diagnosis: murder, steve sloan, art

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Comments 16

writerjc February 20 2012, 05:18:56 UTC
Very nice :) I was thinking of DM this weekend too. Mostly cause I was browsing through Netflix and noticed they had the Airwolf eps that BVD was in.


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 05:22:24 UTC
Thank you. I'd forgotten he was in Airwolf.


kaleecat February 20 2012, 05:22:26 UTC
very very nice annie.

I miss D:M so much. it was horrible over the holidays when a cable channel ran a D:M marathon--a cable channel that I do not pay for. :(

Whenever I see 'Murder 101' it takes a while for my brain to adjust to DvD and BvD going by the wrong character names & 'Jesse' not being there. Its quite disconcerting.

I've been scribbling on a little Jack/Daniel ficlet series this week (on my LJ only) but alas nothing with the D:M guys. Hmmmm, unless they pop up in my zombie apocalypse crack fic.

Hope you're doing okay.


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 05:26:18 UTC
I keep hoping they'll bring the rest of the seasons out on dvd but nothing so far : ( They're showing the Jack eps here in Oz now so I haven't been watching lately so it was a nice surprise to find Murder 101 on TV today. I rarely watch TV and only switched it on because I was bored LOL. Totally couldn't adjust to them being Mike and Jon instead of Steve and Mark. I shall definitely go check out your Jack/Daniel series tomorrow. Hope you're doing well too.


kaleecat February 20 2012, 05:31:25 UTC
exactly. Every time they would get called Mike or Jon I would get confused. I wonder though. . . could be an amusing story idea to work that series concept as if Mark & Steve got sent into witness protection & this is their new identity. But poor Steve got forcibly separated from Jesse who is wasting away, pining for his guy & his father-figure.


I used to force myself to watch the Jack eps just to get my Mark fix in.

Muddling along here. I do wish the calendar would slow down because I'm still wondering what happened to January & here it is in the back-half of February.


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 05:34:54 UTC
Arggghhh!! Plotbunny alert!! Write it!!

This year has been so difficult RL-wise already for me that I'm actually already looking forward to 2013 LOL


pattrose February 20 2012, 08:46:55 UTC
Just lovely, Annie. He is such a handsome man. Have you seen him on anything lately?


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 08:48:42 UTC
Thank you, Patt. Just saw him on Murder 101, the newish show he and his Dad made after D: M finished.


pattrose February 20 2012, 08:50:11 UTC
I don't remember that one at all. How odd. I'm sure I've seen it. Did it last for one season or more? I'm going to go hunt it up now and read about it. :)


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 08:51:14 UTC
Not sure. This is the first ep I've seen. it was lovely to see Barry and Dick again but I missed Charlie : (


binel63 February 20 2012, 12:54:53 UTC
I like it very much. :-)


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 19:39:12 UTC
Thank you, Bine


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