Steve Sloan (Diagnosis: Murder) wp

Feb 20, 2012 15:16

Saw an ep of Murder 101 today, which made me miss D: M so I made this.

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diagnosis: murder, steve sloan, art

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kaleecat February 20 2012, 05:22:26 UTC
very very nice annie.

I miss D:M so much. it was horrible over the holidays when a cable channel ran a D:M marathon--a cable channel that I do not pay for. :(

Whenever I see 'Murder 101' it takes a while for my brain to adjust to DvD and BvD going by the wrong character names & 'Jesse' not being there. Its quite disconcerting.

I've been scribbling on a little Jack/Daniel ficlet series this week (on my LJ only) but alas nothing with the D:M guys. Hmmmm, unless they pop up in my zombie apocalypse crack fic.

Hope you're doing okay.


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 05:26:18 UTC
I keep hoping they'll bring the rest of the seasons out on dvd but nothing so far : ( They're showing the Jack eps here in Oz now so I haven't been watching lately so it was a nice surprise to find Murder 101 on TV today. I rarely watch TV and only switched it on because I was bored LOL. Totally couldn't adjust to them being Mike and Jon instead of Steve and Mark. I shall definitely go check out your Jack/Daniel series tomorrow. Hope you're doing well too.


kaleecat February 20 2012, 05:31:25 UTC
exactly. Every time they would get called Mike or Jon I would get confused. I wonder though. . . could be an amusing story idea to work that series concept as if Mark & Steve got sent into witness protection & this is their new identity. But poor Steve got forcibly separated from Jesse who is wasting away, pining for his guy & his father-figure.


I used to force myself to watch the Jack eps just to get my Mark fix in.

Muddling along here. I do wish the calendar would slow down because I'm still wondering what happened to January & here it is in the back-half of February.


annieb1955 February 20 2012, 05:34:54 UTC
Arggghhh!! Plotbunny alert!! Write it!!

This year has been so difficult RL-wise already for me that I'm actually already looking forward to 2013 LOL


kaleecat February 20 2012, 18:12:02 UTC
(how odd, i didn't receive a notice on your reply)

LOL I deny you plotbunny, back! back! Perhaps we can throw it to the D:M list? Or don't you have a prompt group or something?

I must avoid as it would involve some research by serious TV watching (i get enough of that on the dissertation). And I've vowed to avoid another long story until I finish either my zombie one or one of the long-languishing J/D stories. Little fics are allowed.


kaleecat February 20 2012, 18:12:33 UTC
And if its not even March & you're ready for 2012 to be over . . . ((((hugs))))


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