After Lighting: Ch. 1

Apr 21, 2011 17:37

Author: annethundr05 
Fandoms: SM (Sailor Moon)
Kiss: other: near-dear
Title: Cold
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Pairing: Makoto/Anubisu (Cale in English) (strange I know :-S)
Summary: After lighting comes thunder.
Disclaimer: Neither SM or RW belong to me, property of the rich folks. I am playing with them for fun. :-)
A/N: It's also a kiss prompt, x-over & AU to Silver Millennium also a two-shot and beware the angst.

Everywhere Makoto looked there was death, destruction, and screams. Even to a hardened fighter like herself, she found the anguish unbearable.

These were her people, this was HER planet. Beryl had done the unthinkable, rather than attack them all separately; she separated their forces and then conquered them one by one.

Mercury and Venus had already fallen to Beryl's unceasing attacks. Mars and Pluto were barely hanging on, as was the Moon. Neptune and Uranus were trying to valiantly fight on but it would not be long till they fell as well, as neither was willing to separate form the other.

She could understand that, looking around her for warlord. Anubisu, she saw he was going head to head, blow for blow against Nephrite. And though she wanted to step in, she knew her husband could handle himself. He was by far the best General that Jupiter had ever had. The Jovian forces had never been stronger than under his rule. They made a powerful and feared force the King of Lighting and the Queen Thunder.

Turning her attention back to the task at hand that left her, which as it stood with a dwindling force of her own. Having ordered backup to be sent Saturn and the Moon, as they could never let the White or the Black forces fall. Thus she fought on against and unlike the White Moon she had no sympathy for those who dared to breech her walls.

Time fled, blood was shed, and bodies fell alas bringing her to this moment. She felt more than saw Anubisu fall. The maniacal laughter would haunt her for years, as he gutted Anubisu. Running to his body she cradled him in her arms trying desperately to keep him warm, willing him back to life, to stay with her. Searching his body over for wounds, trying to stop the bleeding that wouldn't cease. She did not want to be alone and told him so.  All the while her mind wandered back to a time long before and the reasons why and how he came to be by her side. It was partially her fault Nephrite turned. In favor of Anubisu she pushed Nephrite aside. But what could she do or say to defend her actions, Anubisu understood her, believed in her, wanted her, and daily proved he loved her. He never once asked her to change who and what she was in favor of what he felt was proper for a woman by his side. Her mind screaming at the injustice of it all, while her heart was crying for her beloved and her sword was dying for vengeance.

If he was so weak to be swayed by sweet words of power then he was not worthy. It was she against he who had slain her heart. He was her weakness and she was his. Her love inhabited the very best of her and he now lay in her arms, bleeding from wounds that she couldn't heal. Leaning forward Makoto pressed a kiss after kiss to his lips, imbuing ever possible emotion she could into them. Wanting him to know just how much she loved him. How much he meant to her. That he was now and forever would be the only man to stand by her side as her king. Feeling the last little bit of warmth leak from his body as he slowly choked on his own blood, Makoto watched the life and light slip away from his eyes, leaving his body cold and limp like her heart.

Slowly she closed his eyes and stood up. Bringing herself to her full height and looking across that field of blood to see Nephrite celebrating an early victory, her heart like Anubisu's body was cold and he would die by her hand and no one else's. As she was not one to sit on a gilded throne and let her people throw their lives away for nothing. Anubis won't have died for nothing. She was she who would always venture into battle against all threats alongside her husband. This time it was for her husband. She would make him proud, even if she lost her life tonight, Nephrite would certainly loose his.

As Anubisu once said after lighting comes thunder and with a smile as electric as lighting, her voice boomed like thunder, she was ready.



"makoto", "anubisu", "sailor moon", "sailor jupiter", "kissbingo", "ronin warriors", "fanfiction"

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