Full Circle: Ch. 6

Mar 17, 2011 13:21

Title: Full Circle: Do Nothing?
Author:  annethundr05 
Fandom: SM
Pairing: None for now
Rating: T
Summary: No one said telling the truth was easy.
Disclaimer: I own nothing; I am just playing with SM & its character’s. They don’t belong to me. It’s all the property of the rich people, am taking out their sandbox and playing with them in mine. 
A/N: Rating may go up at a later date.Thanks for all the wonderful reviews they keep me inspired to write so for that here’s a new chapter.  Wish it was more than filler but yeah writer’s block sucks, don’t be too mad kay (ducks flying tomatoes). XD

“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.”

Denis Waitley

I wish I could say after my triumphant exit that things were easy. That nothing could go wrong, that I didn’t feel this crazy listlessness deep in my bones. I thought the inners would let me be, that we had said all that need be said. Rei was quite this time, I was expecting her anger. Strangely enough it was Ami who decided I needed a talking to as she gave me what fore via my answering machine. I didn’t even know she knew how to curse. As for Usagi well it was as if she never existed in my life because I never saw her and I knew Minako could be tenacious when she wanted something, but I didn’t realize just how much...


“You know Haruka-san is right you are a hard person to track down when you don’t want to be found.”  Turning around to see my former second-in-command puffing and slightly out of breathe. Minako always struck a stunning visage. She was always so very bright from her clothing to her sunny personality. But I know that beneath that shiny exterior lays a battle harden warrior. I could have moved from my spot on the ground but then I figured that would motivate her to stay and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for conversation.

“It all exploded after you left.” She flopped down on the ground next to where I was reading, under my favorite tree.

“…” I said nothing, but I guess my eyes betrayed me and said everything about how curious I was about the situation I left behind, because she proceeded onward.

“Usagi was really upset after you left. I mean super, she was fuming! I’ve never seen her pace back and forth the way she did, but boy did she pace. She paced and cursed. Cursed and paced. Bad as it is I tried not to laugh at her.” It was hard to take her seriously considering she herself was laughing about laughing at Usagi.

“Anyway as you probably know Rei raged and surprisingly Ami-chan did too. I tried to interject but couldn’t get a word in edgewise, finally figured once it’s out of everybody’s systems we could talk rationally right…that didn’t happen. Hell they looked at me crazy for not being mad. I’m pretty sure they’re mad at me right now for not being mad at you.” Minako said trying to contain her giggles.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” Casting a glance for the first time in Minako’s direction.

The laughter faded, “Of course there is. Well between me and you anyway. You and the others, not so much.” Sobering slightly the laughter finally leaving her cornflower blue eyes, “I don’t want to lose you as a friend because of Usagi. She might be the reason we met, but let’s be for real, you know me better than anyone. And Rei is always going to take Usagi’s side. She might talk about her but at the end of the day. Usagi is Rei’s best friend. As for Ami-chan it looks like she’ll side with them too this time. But I think that has more to do with you putting personal issues above the ‘greater good’ than the fact that she supports Usagi’s behavior.” Greater good being said with air quotes no less.

Minako moved from her resting position to her side, so she could look at Mako-chan. She was going to make her deal with this whether she wanted to or not.

“Ok fine what do you and I have to talk about…”

“Well we need to talk about Usagi and what she said that night. Fact is she considers her well being above all others now. I know it’s our job to protect her and I will continue to do so, but maybe the meaning has changed you know. I mean you said it yourself there’s no Crystal Tokyo without Mamoru. And true she is still our princess but what does that mean now?”

Minako turned to Makoto as if waiting for some kind of answer, any answer.

“I don’t know we could ask Setsuna-san or we could just take this as a sign that maybe we need to do us for now. Wait and see how it all plays out, if Crystal Tokyo is meant to happen then it will.”

“And if it doesn’t?” Minako looking for the first time since Makoto had known her, slightly afraid.

“Then at least we know we didn’t waste our time waiting on an absolution that would never come.”

Minako and Makoto both found themselves left to deep thoughts as they got up and said their goodbyes.

Makoto found herself once more listless and she knew that the thing she had been putting off for so long needed to happen. She needed to talk to Mamoru and she would.

~~~~Flashback End~~~~

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"makoto", "dark-hunters", "sailor moon", "sailor jupiter", ", "full circle", "fanfiction"

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