Full Circle: Ch. 3

Dec 18, 2010 18:18

Title: Full Circle: Never Again
Author: annethundr05 
Fandom: SM
Pairing: None for now
Rating: T
Summary: No one said telling the truth was easy.
Disclaimer: I own nothing! Not Sailor Moon, not the characters, not the lyrics I borrowed they belong to Kelly Clarkson's: Never Again. So yeah, NOTHING! Except for the plot that is all, mine. This is an insomnia production fed by no sleep, too many double chocolate chip muffins, awesome reviews (wow people are actually reading my stuff o.O) 
A/N: Rating may go up at a later date. Mad hugglesmy own personal muse/beta/co-author MapKwest2, you always provide a keen eye and let me rant.  ALSO big note: there was one story by Viper Inferno called "Forest Fire", I commend this author but believe that they something that most authors who write Mako-chan always do. He made amped up her aggression factor and she is ruled by her temper. So I'm not plagiarizing but we do have similar sentencing and situations as this is my version of how I see Makoto reacting in an emotional situation, rather than fighting and harming another individual. Each author is entitled to their artistic license and I'm just flexing mine.

"Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned,
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorned."

William Congreve

So I left you all last time wondering just whom I had come face to face with, yes? I could laugh, even though I felt more like crying. I felt a rage well up with-in me that I was sure had long since been settled. I guess that is what comes of avoidance. Avoidance merely becomes apathy, not acceptance. Granted I don't believe that I will ever come accept them. Tolerate maybe, accept Never, and you can forget about Respect.

Hmm, it seems I'm talking in circles huh? You must surely be bursting at the seams to know whom I had come face to face with. The person that made me want to run faster and farther away from them. Hints only go so far, and I do know far too many people with blue eyes.

I could say who but I'd rather paint you a picture…


"YOU!" Who knew venom could rage out of one simple three letter word. But it did. Anyone passing by could see the fury that now blazed in Makoto's eyes.

If the wording had no effect the malice glinting through her posture, voice and overall body language told Seiya to step back. It said 'be afraid, be very afraid.' But he never headed warnings much, ever, why start now. And therefore moved to block her.

"Please can we talk? Ko-chan, I feel like there is much that has gone unsaid between us. You won't answer your phone or communicator; you're never at home. I always knew you were hard to track down but really."

"Who are you to call me Ko-chan, I am not your Ko-chan. If you feel the need to address me Kino-san works just fine. Granted I don't expect you'll have to use it much because there is nothing that needs to be said."

"Really, I know you don't believe me. But please hear me out." Seiya moved his body once again to block Makoto's movements, as she once again began looking for an exit.

"You know what fine. You've got five minutes. Go ahead, explain your life away. It won't change anything."

"Can we at least go somewhere more private?" Looking around them people were slowing down to stare. "If nothing else can we at least move out of the park walkway."

"Why should we, this is where you ended us, right over there by that tree. Or don't you remember? You and the rabbit were going at it. Its fitting don't you think. " She looked down at her manicured nails, and then back to Seiya all the while pointing to said tree.

Seiay merely looked stupefied at her bravado and the crispness of her words.

"Four minutes."

"Alright! I thought you said you were going to hear me out."

"You're the one wasting time…"

"Fine, what became of us, you wanna know." He slowly began to pace.

"Usagi needed me, okay! She needed me to take care of her, she lets be a gentleman. As gentleman to a lady, Usagi lets me do things for her without her asking. I can show her through my actions how much I think about her."

His pacing stops and he suddenly turns to face Makoto, eyes burning with emotion and the want to make her see his side of things. "But you… unless you ask me, I didn't really get to do anything for you. You are far more self-sufficient that she is, and though that's an admirable trait. I..I .. I just need someonewho needs me. I'm sorry."

All he is met with are scorn-filled verdant eyes, tense body language and terse words.

"I'm sorry. She needed me. I didn't need you enough. She lets you be a gentleman. I'm more self-sufficient. It's an admirable trait." Makoto finds herself pacing this time. She tries valiantly to gather her thoughts. Suddenly she spins around and it all comes out.

"You need someone, who needs you! What about the times I needed you and you still weren't there. You weren't there because you put everyone else first! Taiki, Yaten. Kami-sama forbid Usagi rang your phone, you were running out the door so fast, it was hard to tell if you were even there in the first place." Makoto's eye brimmed with un-shed tears and her fists curled up at her sides. She'd never felt like punching anyone as much she felt like punching Seiya right then and there. But in the back of her mind she knew if she gave into to that desire her fists wouldn't stop swinging till he was bloody and her anger was spent.

'He's not worth the loss of my self-control, I won't give in. I do and he wins. He'll be the bigger man, everyone will think that I'm the bad one behaving like a child and picking a fight because he broke up with me. Well he and everybody else in this asinine world can kiss my ass while riding a coaster to hell.'

Makoto then turned her attention back to Seiya, looked him square in the eye, "I told myself it was selfish to want you to stay if they needed you. Time after time, call after call. Then I just didn't expect you to stay at all. I made myself stop needing you, because you weren't reliable. But you took my trust for granted, you went behind my back and because she needed you. Well she can need you all she wants because I'm done with you. This situation, everything."

Taking a step and letting her body relax, she let the calming breathe flow through her body.

"Never again will I hear you. Your words will fall on deaf ears. Never again will I miss you. You are pitiable liar and a cheat. Never again will I love you. My heart is long closed off from yours. As for you I would never wish bad things but I don't wish you well Seiya. As for Usagi if she really knows the truth, and I'm sure she does, then she truly deserves you. You can keep your cute, pretty, needy little trophy girl. But when all is said and done Never Again will I need either one of you."


And once more I walked away, leaving a deathly silence in my wake.

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"makoto", "dark-hunters", "sailor moon", "sailor jupiter", "mamoru", "full circle", "fanfiction"

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