Getting crafty

Jan 02, 2011 21:16

One of the unforeseen developments this year has been my renewed interest in knitting.  I had picked up needles for the first time in decades last winter, when I'd finally gotten JT to watch "firefly" with me and he pronounced that he'd love a cunning Jayne Cobb hat.  I proceeded to make him one, then a few scarves, and was starting to look at more ambitious things - but at a leisurely rate.  Then I suddenly was placed into a situation where I was going to need hats, and lots of them (I chose not to go with a wig).  I proceeded to make several hats of varying degrees of difficulty.  My favorite is the shedir (go to this page and scroll about 1/4 of the way down for a picture), which is also the most complicated pattern I tackled. It also proved be frustrating and confounding - so much so that I put it down for a full 6 weeks before I was able to finish it. Luckily, I was able to finish it and still got to use it for a good portion of the time that I needed it. Technically, I still need it, because although my hair is growing back, it's still barely an inch long and baby fine so it doesn't retain heat. But I don't need it to cover actual baldness anymore, which is HUGE for me.

After I'd made enough hats to keep myself happy, I realized that I LIKED knitting.  A lot.  So much so that I made a lot of Christmas presents this year.  And I'm looking to do things that will require a bit of my own design.  Case in point:  my current avatar.  There are no good stuffed versions of that guy, and that's a shame.  So I'll be trying my darndest to make one.  I'll let everyone know how it goes.

getting crafty

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