Fic Kinks Meme.
1. Voyeur fics. I love fics where a third party is used as the POV on my favorite shippy couples (and no, not in a sexual way).
2. But I thought you were dead! Fake death, definite kink for me because we get all the angst and craziness with none of the lingering unpleasantness of actual death. Bonus for leading an USTy couple to RST.
3. Stranded off-world.
4. Dreamy, sketchy stories that don’t feel the need to explain themselves.
5. Apocafic.
6. Hallucinations and dream sequences.
7. Renegade. The team leaving Earth behind forever, for whatever reason.
8. Space Pirates.
9. Accidental telepathy. Oh noes! He/She can hear my thoughts!
10. Dark side. Any character being driven to take drastic measures either out of revenge or protection of their loved ones.
11. The stupid cute. Not saccharine schmoopiness, just a moment-in-the-life-of, good-natured flirting, and restrained silliness that makes you say, “daaaaw.” (
kellifer_fic's Lorne/Novak, anything by Jojo or Little Red.)
12. Fic wherein Sam is underestimated and gets to save the day.
13. How they finally got their shit together and hooked up fic.
14. Sam and Teal’c friendship fic. (I'm looking at you,
15. Lyrical writing that strikes the perfect balance between rhythm and word choice without losing itself in heavy prose.
16. Fic where a couple fucks everything up but tries again with better understanding.
17. Completely insane crossovers that actually work.
Physics of the Spin anyone?
18. Stories where the location feels like an extra, vital character in the story. The ones that make you smell, feel, taste, and see the setting.
19. Non-linear storytelling that works.
20. A story that manages to weave completely around one, central, unifying theme. I’m thinking
Evaporation by Claira.
21. Fics wherein Jack is not dumb.
22. Fics wherein Sam is not a caricature.
23. Fics wherein Daniel is not whiney, completely self-absorbed, or perfection personified.
24. Fics wherein Teal’c is neither absent nor mute.
25. Fics wherein Vala has a soul, but loses none of her sharp edges.
26. Fics wherein everything is not perfectly shiny and the characters have flaws.
27. Fics where I forget I am reading fic.
I bought a bag of those chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels of doom from Trader Joe's the other day after reading people talking about them. OMG. SO. GOOD. *devours entire bag in one sitting*
Also, when exactly did they change the flavors of Lifesavers? Whose brilliant idea was that? I mean, grape? Bleh. And when I popped a green one in my mouth--ICK! Not the fun lime flavor I remember, but watermelon. Change just for the sake of change is not always good, people.