Okay, so here's what we're going to do. If you have a moment, please prompt me with the name of a character. Books, tv shows, movies, ads, whatever, all up for grabs. I will write you one hundred words about that character. Maybe it will be fic. Maybe it will be meta. Maybe it will be dialog. Maybe it will be random blathering about that character. Maybe it will be my personal wishlist about what I think should happen/should have happened to that character. If you happen to pick a character I don't know, I'll make something up (I like a challenge), or tell you my uninformed impression just from second hand LJ exposure. Either way, there will be WORDS. Even if they suck. :)
I really appreciate anyone willing to help me out with this!
Done so far:
Elizabeth Weir Ashley Magnus Ronald Eustace Psmith Astrid Farnsworth Everett Young and Nicolas Rush Sophie Devereaux Nikola Tesla