Holy Powerful Women, Batgirl.

Apr 17, 2011 23:32

I just finished watching the miniseries Pillars of the Earth. (I have really meant to read the book over and over again, but being ill and tied to the couch and blessed with streaming netflix, I could no longer resist.) While the series over all had more blood and guts and rampant whoring than I would have liked, I was over all incredibly impressed with all of the women in this series. They were pretty much the ones standing up and doing things while the men stumbled about. Even the bad guys had a cast iron evil woman pulling more than her weight in the background. Pretty fricking cool. Definitely worth a watch. (Really makes me want to reread Penman's When Christ and His Saints Slept again.)

Some of the awesome women of Pillars:

The witch.

The Queen.

The daughter.

There are some boys in there too. (Finding Tom the Builder hot is not nearly as disturbing as finding Matthew MacFadyen hot as Brother Phillip. Whoops. I blame Mr. Darcy.) Oh, there's a cathedral too, of course. But mostly, AWESOME LADIES. Woot.

women_kick_ass, teevee

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