+Just bought a full tank of gas for less than $20. I actually did a little dance. At the same time...kind of sad because when we were paying $4 or $5 a gallon, we were at least thinking more about our habits and our buying power and long term solutions for the energy crisis. So, yeah, good and bad.
+FINALLY finished overhauling my fic webpage. All the strange doodads and @$^#% should now be gone. If you are ever on there and find something wonky, feel free to drop me an email. I'd totally appreciate it.
+The small burst in S/J fic the last few days has been lovely. Perhaps this is in reaction to
anr's news that there will be another
SJ ficathon!!
+Made some icons. One I've been meaning to make for
beanpot for ages, and it has in fact been so long that I can't quite remember the context for it anymore. Lol. Hopefully she does. The other one is for
syxp for her recent spat of writing. (This must be encouraged.) As for the rest? Pretty self explanatory, I would hope.
For Bean:
For Nellie:
Random ones I made and forgot to bother posting (free to good homes as always).
+In fact, I have been having so much fun with the iconz that I would like to offer a personalized icon to anyone who wants one! Virtual holiday gifts for the win (I am so getting in the spirit. Like my icon?). You are all so awesome I would love the chance to do something for you. So just comment to this entry. Tell me things you love (favorite quote, favorite hobby, favorite character, personal motto, color, whatever, or heck, just leave it up to me and I will icon something that makes me think of you) and I will hopefully come up with something. May skillz are not tremendous but it's fun. And you don't even have to promise to actually use it, lol. Or you can just comment with a well chosen icon in hopes that I might write a comment fic for it. But really, that's
syxp 's area of expertise, not mine. ;)