Jan 20, 2006 11:44
Today is the first day I've been awake before noon- a major feat, let me tell you!
So what's up with this weather eh? Since when is it 10 degrees in January?? Either Global Warming is finally proving itself to our region, or we're in for a major shock when Real Winter finally hits in March. Either way, it's terrifying. I can't wait for spring.
I have no idea what I was planning to write today, so I'll just ramble (ramble on)....
So what's the deal with friends? How many of us are mere *sidekicks* in our friendships? How many of us tend to feel like the back up friend? Why is that? Are some of us prone to being dominated? Are we the submissive type? God knows that I'm not, but I have this one friend who tends to dominate me, snd it's weird!! I always feel like the tag-along friend. So am I letting her be the Alpha, or is she doing that on her own?? Are friendships supposed to work this way? Because if they are, then *all* my other friendships are bungled up.
Last night I watched Gothic - the movie about Byron, Percy Shelley, Polidori and Mary Shelley. It scared me. At first I watched it for inspiration, to stay up all night writing a masterpiece of a horror story, but instead, it scared me into staying safe under the covers away from all my imagined fears. Good movie!
I think that's all that's on my mind worth sharing. Everything else is just the ravings of someone who's awake at the wrong time of day. I'm supposed to be up all *night* not all day. Ah well, I guess I'll make the best of it. I'm going to go to my favourite coffee place (where I haven't been in months) - A Matter Of Taste, to drink my favourite coffee, and write.... maybe that's where I'll write my masterpiece!