Happy Day After Halloween!

Nov 01, 2003 12:09

And it's a really nice day too! The weather hasn't gotten viciously cold yet, which is fine in my book (though I've noticed in Illinois we tend to have late winters that can last as long as the beginning of April), and I got a good night's sleep last night, so I'm feeling pretty good. The past week has seen me pretty under the weather, because I haven't been able to take my iron pills thanks to my weak stomach, and I've also gotten a really heavy period... add it up and I'm afraid that I'm pretty low on those funny little red blood cells. But all things considered, it could be worse. If I get good sleep I usually feel fine.

Yesterday we didn't do anything too dramatic. Nobody really wanted to go out (we were all in a weird, don't-feel-like-doing-anything mood) so we stayed in and watched this Japanese movie called Juon. Not the best movie ever. Maybe it's one of those "Ya have to be Japanese to get it" kind of things... I dunno. It has scary moments, but as Kenny said, there were just too many blue people! Everyone looked like Samara and after a while it became pretty ludicrous.

I think me and my sister elspazz0 could make great horror movies. We have this whole theory that distortion of space and people is really damn creepy. Like, the scariest scene in the movie last night was when someone turned a TV and the face of the newsperson started to twist and distort... it really freaked me out. So whaddya think, sis? We'll make a movie called 'the creepy stretchy house' and we'll do all the scary scenes with the 'smudge' tool in Photoshop. XD

Let's see, what else? iTunes is out for the PC, and it's the best MP3 player ever (well, if you're really obessive about your music collection it is) so I recommend that to everyone. Steve's at a programming competition right now, and if his team does well then they will get a free trip to Prague, so everyone think lucky thoughts for them! And this past week I officially changed my major to Japanese. I'm meeting with an advisor on Tuesday to basically plan out my schedule for my remaining time here. I hope, I hope, that I can fit study abroad in next year. I also hope for scholarships. I don't see how I could go without some kind of financial aid.

So, I guess that's all the news that's fit to print. Here's a quick "of the moment" survey!

Music of the moment: Evanescence
Stressor of the moment: Japanese (@$!& sakubun)
Food of the moment: Chinese (fried tofu in garlic sauce, mmm)
Drink of the moment: Iced Tea
Diversion of the moment: Nethack
Cartoon of the moment: Futurama Season 1
Pants of the moment: Pajama
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