May 17, 2010 02:56

Just saw this on Twitter, and since @LordHBlackwood (BE SURE TO LOOK UP THE HOLMESIAN TWITTERVERSE! /shameless plug) can hardly go around retweeting re: Robin Hood, I'm putting this on here, to share with my peeps.

"@ThrashWolf: The new Robin Hood film isn't that historically accurate. Everyone knows Robin Hood was a talking fox."

The truthiest truth that ever truthed could never even dream of being as true as that statement right there. Fuck. Can I say truth one more time? (Lulz, lame KKBB reference/not!) It still doesn't express the levels of truth.

(Also, I don't even care what people say, I want to see that movie like now. If for no other reason than because Mark Strong is in it, and Mark Strong is Good.)

Ooh, also, in other news. Finally downloaded Microsoft Reader so I can read my illegally obtained .lit Star Wars books? And let me just say, hearing what amounts to Stephen Hawking reading gems like this? Fucking priceless.

As the first technician-Target Number One- lunged for the emergency alarm to summon security, IG-88 moved with blurring speed to the component-laden table. He snatched up a disconnected droid arm. With its metal fingers splayed like daggers, it made the perfect projectile weapon. He scanned the surface of the metal limb, calculated a flight path and expected deviation due to air resistance, then hurled it like a spear.

The disconnected droid arm plunged into the back of the turning technician, tore through his spinal col-umn, and followed through his sternum. The lifeless metal hand protruded through splintered bone in the front of his chest, holding the technician's quivering heart in rigid metal fingers. Target Number One col-lapsed onto one of the diagnostic panels.
-- "Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88" by Kevin J. Anderson

That. But with Stephen Hawking's voice! It's beautiful is what it is. (Also, LOL, love love LOVE that story! ILU IG-88! <3)

twitterverse, oh marky mark~

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