May 16, 2010 01:57

So, my church? The Episcopal Church? We've officially ordained our second openly gay, first openly lesbian, bishop.

And okay, just yay. Whoot, gay rights, Episcopalians confuse "Christians are all homophobes" people once again, I love it when my church messes with people, etc. I'm over this whole thing, honestly. Gene Robinson was forever ago. Fred Phelps' peeps actually protested at my church around then (also protesting the Laramie Project, so I'm really not sure which issue they were going for, but I do have to applaud them for being efficient and multi-tasking while expressing their hate). But yeah. We ordain gays. Get over it.

No, I'm just here because I'm loving the comments on Y! News. I love that site so much. What are they even on? IDEK.

The comments range from the "Good job, Episcopalians, I'm proud of you," to the "THEY'RE GOING TO HELL GOD HATES GAYS" you'd expect; from the "God wants you to repent of your sins, and then he will use you to do good in the world," right through the "CHRISTIANS ARE IDIOTS, THEY USE THIS ANCIENT BULLSHIT TO JUSTIFY THEIR HATE!" to the weirdness of "WHAT'S NEXT? BESTIALITY?" Oh, and plenty of references to the Catholic church. (Seriously, why always drag them into the issue? Not all sex- and church-related stories are about the Catholics, you know.)

And then there's stuff like this.

"Well, since the Anglican Communion doesn't have valid Holy Orders, their ordinations are invalid, thus, this person is not "bishop" of anything, so I don't see what the fuss is all about. She is just a Christian layman giving her personal opinion from the pulpit each week.

It doesn't bother me if laymen is gay."

Seriously. I truly want to know how you achieve that Zen-like level of oblivious, anachronistic serenity. Clearly that's someone who, however more at home their bizarre, out-of-left-field* argument would feel in Medieval Europe, they're still happy with their lives.

I want that. Seriously, you gotta admire someone who can bypass this ridiculous talk of "homosexuality" and "God" to get right to the heart of the matter-- a schism that happened centuries ago.

Also, this reply to that one intrigues me:

"no such thing as a gay christian layman"

What? I get the general gist, the idea that, by being gay, you automatically don't believe in Jesus saving you (really not sure how that one works, but okay, I'll roll with it for the duration of your comment), but what? I think that came out waaaay better in the commenter's head than it did in the comment.

Also (I know, I know, but it's Y! News! So many retarded amazing comments!)

"Pediphiles are next. I predict that the age of consent will be lowered to 10 years. America is becomming more deranged as time goes by. Perverts abound."

*snort* Forget the absurdity of the slippery slope argument, here. I'm really not interested in understanding or combating hate. I accept that hate and ignorance exist, and I move on. But seriously? Dude, you're on THE INTERNET, and you're complaining about perverts? I mean, shouldn't people like that, who are online complaining about perversion, really be the ones most concerned about how perverted the Internet is?

God, I love the Internet. It's really like watching Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's that deliciously painful feeling of brain-bleedingly confusing idiocy that really lets you know humanity's doomed. You hate seeing such Stupid out there, but you can't look away! It's beautiful in its Dumb-nitude.

ILU, Y! News.

(*"Out of left field" is the expression, right? My knowledge of sports is pretty much limited to "Duke good, UNC bad" and "Go Bulls", and it shows in my inability to understand sports-related figures of speech.)

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