Feb 13, 2014 13:37

Okay actually just I'm trying to make myself post things and maybe eventually I'll post something CRAZY AWESOME as a result? But. IT'S SNOWING YAAAAAAY!

in which I get oddly thinky about snow )

north cackalacky, thoughts on life, rl can be epic too, snowsnowsnowsnowsnow

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unsettledink February 13 2014, 22:09:57 UTC
*hugs* I'm glad you're enjoying snow! I am sort of in the camp of 'yeah, snow, eh, we get that constantly', but I don't like to harsh on others excitement.

I can remember when I was a kid and snow really was that fucking exciting all winter long. Like it'd start snowing and bam, I'm at the window watching and I'm out the door all bundled up and doing snow things and OMG SNOOOOOOW. I still get little bouts of appreciation for snow every now and then, when I'll notice all over again how pretty it is, but mostly anymore I see snow and I'm thinking two things: Fuck it's cold, and OMG stress and worry and fretting about having to drive in it. >.< Not so much because of the highways because they keep them plowed well enough, but with our little dirt road and hills, no one is plowing anything unless it's my dad, and the tractor never starts when you need it. Add in the possibility of missing work and snow just equals stress. Which is sad.

However! I know when I was at college and it snowed, while I still had the fuck it's cold thing, I didn't mind trudging across campus in the snow much (as long as it wasn't windy) and I could appreciate the pretty of snow a lot more. Though even then, by the end of winter after probably a dozen batches of snow, it loses something. And when i was in England and there was like, an inch of snow that melted the next day and that was it for winter, I missed it.

I like it when you get the sort of wet snow that clumps when it falls so there's these huge drops of snow falling from the sky and it's super pretty. It's *just* like a snow globe or something. :)


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