Feb 13, 2014 13:37

Okay actually just I'm trying to make myself post things and maybe eventually I'll post something CRAZY AWESOME as a result? But. IT'S SNOWING YAAAAAAY!

I would spam you with photos, but my camera sort of broke months ago (the lens can't close all the way, which makes the camera's computer decide it can't do ANYTHING EVER), so. Not much to do. BUT WAIT. I HAVE A WEBCAM. AND WINDOWS!

See? That is PROOF that I am adjacent to snow. That might not look like much to SOME OF Y'ALL NORTHERN FOLK (also Europeans, which. Some of y'all really far to the northeast folks???), but keep in mind this is North Carolina, and that shit is MAGICAL to me. IT'S MULTIPLE INCHES. AND IT'S BEEN HERE SINCE YESTERDAY AND IT HASN'T MELTED. THIS IS THE SECOND DAY IN A ROW OF SNOW. HOLY FUCKBALLS YOU GUYS!

Which actually, I'm sort of glad I don't get a lot of snow. Because some of you guys will be like, "oh yeah, snow, it's pretty neat, you're right," but do you really get this? Like. The sky is white. It's pure white. And I can't see any leaves. And there are icicles, and some of the ones hanging off the roof upstairs might even be a foot long! And I think it's been snowing fairly heavily for like an hour even. An hour! And maybe if I lived somewhere else I wouldn't be able to be so happy and amazed by this, and it's kind of nice to be totally floored by precipitation. Like holy shit, snow falls really slowly, doesn't it, and it's cool to watch that, or when it switches to sleet and little puffs of snow explode up on impact, it's sort of like watching a tiny Battle of Hoth.

Are you guys' minds just blown ALL WINTER LONG in your strange snow places?

north cackalacky, thoughts on life, rl can be epic too, snowsnowsnowsnowsnow

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