Fic???: I'm Still a Writer, You Guys

Feb 09, 2014 19:48

I'M BACK. Ish. I feel like I miss writing, so I was like, "I will write the best thing ever!" Buuut then I couldn't think what to write. So I wrote about how I couldn't think what to write. The point is, I am making feeble flopping motions in the general direction of ficcage again, so look out! (Side note, do you guys ever feel weird about italicizing punctuation? I really didn't want to italicize that exclamation point up there, because it's not like that's what I'm emphasizing, is it? But then I decided it would look weird if I didn't.) The actual point is, here is my grand return to writing.

I'm Still a Writer, You Guys
Once upon a time, there was a fic writer who hadn't written a fic in forever. She sat at the kitchen table, and briefly wondered when she had last showered, before firmly setting that thought aside and attempting to settle on a fic. Drawing a blank, she decided to write about her own inability to decide what to write, because those "write every day, no matter what it is" people condone this sort of bullshit. She thought about writing for The Great Mouse Detective, but really only got as far as, "what if Basil and Ratigan were darkly gay at each other and felt feelings?", which didn't seem very good at all. Then she thought about writing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, her easiest fandom, but there are really only so many ways you can write Tony feeling sad about his life before you start to think that maybe you ought to be branching out a tad more.

As she wrote all of this down, it occurred to her that she once started a kind of awesome fic that involved crossing Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Fright Night, and she really ought to finish it, but that seemed like way more effort than just writing about how she wasn't really writing anything. Still. Maybe one day? See because KKBB has Harry and Perry, and Fright Night has Jerry, and that rhymes, so it's basically already canon if you think about it. But she made the severe mistake of starting that fic from Harry's point of view, and actually managing to nail his voice at the time, and once you lose a voice like that it feels super weird and awkward to try to fake your way through the rest of the fic, so you're like, "well, I'll wait until I get it back," but then you never do, and then you ramble about it a bunch and really probably just make people angry because why would you tell them about this fic and not produce it, but that is sort of the way this writer in our story operates, and also this is an intense sentence-like object right here.

I think I'll tag this as fandom: meta.

writer's block, fandom: meta, fanfic, writing

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