two photos, one scene

May 04, 2012 21:14

You guys, I want you to know that the day very soon when I write fic where Tony and Clint have all of the silly flirtings for shits and giggles, and the whole rest of the team is just like "UM GUYS WTF", and they're just like "DO NOT CARE, ARE FABULOUS, FLIRTFLIRTFLIRT"?

The fact that I noticed/put together these two photos will be 100% to blame.

If anyone's better at pictures than me and wants to put them both on top of the same background, I will do my very very best to write you the (not longfic) Marvel Cinematic Universe fic of your dreams.

And, separate from that, I'm probably going to put up a post soon asking for Marvel Cinematic Universe prompts. I just wanted to get it out before that happens that there are some prompts I probably just won't be able to fill, and not to get upset if I somehow end up not writing THAT ONE STORY YOU REALLY ALWAYS WANTED ME TO WRITE etc.

oh slash, oh preslash, fandom: avengers, fandom: iron man, fandom: marvel

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