Dear Durham Tech

Jan 03, 2012 09:31

Dear Durham Tech,

God, okay, Durham Tech, we're gonna play a little memory game here. Ready? Okay, let's go!

So! Remember that one time in 2009 when I was applying, and you very nicely asked for my AP scores, so I had College Board send them to you? And remember how somehow they got lost, but I was like, "Well sure, mistakes happen," so I asked College Board again and I brought a hard copy the day I showed up to register for classes? Remember how you had that nice lady take it and say she'd get it sorted right away, and you and I were friends?

And then remember the next semester, when a teacher asked me how I'd met the English 111 pre-req for her course because somehow my AP still wasn't on file, but I realized that that lady had been very rushed with all the late registering, and I just smiled understandingly and brought you another copy?

And remember how that kept on happening, and I kept telling you that it was fine, I promised we'd cleared this up before, and here were my AP scores?

I'm asking you to do a lot of remembering, and I know it can be hard to remember so far back, so this time we'll just go back to yesterday. Remember yesterday, when I got this email from my soon-to-be English teacher, and apparently the chair of the English department?

I am checking prerequisites for this class, and our student records do not indicate that you have completed ENG 111.  Could you contact me as soon as possible at the number below or by e-mail to let me know how you meet the prerequisite for this class?

And remember how even then I just calmly emailed her back, explaining?

And then remember how I just got this email like two seconds ago?

Only a score of 3 or higher on an AP English exam could fulfill the requirement for ENG 111.  Could you please fax or bring copies of your AP scores to me to demonstrate that you fulfill the prerequisite for ENG 113?  You'll need to do this by Jan. 12.  You also need to have official copies of your AP scores sent to our admissions office so that they can officially award you credit for ENG 111, which you'll need to graduate and transfer.

ALKDSFADLHKGJASHLGIUASHGDALH! Okay at this point, DT, just fuck you. Fuck you so hard.

But you should probably check that I've met all the pre-reqs for the "FUDTCC 113" course, 'cause I mean.

For all you know, I still need to take ENG 111.

Love, Anne

school is school, and then shenanigans

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