why can't I write like this any mooooooooooore

Dec 01, 2011 02:50

A couple of people have asked me over the months (almost years, in some cases!) I've known you all to post a master fic list. And I would, but here's the thing. That sounds like work.Okay, it actually would be, because it would involve reformatting a bunch of ffnet fics that I formatted using "---" as dividers, and then ffnet decided to just REMOVE THAT, so it ends up looking like I have no damn idea how to fic. But anyways, I figured I'd try just reposting an old fic that I actually want you guys to know I wrote, and see if you'd be interested in me posting any more pre!LJ fics.

Have you ever noticed that, as you get better and better at writing, somehow you end up looking back and finding one or two old pieces that are damn good, and you have no idea how to get back to that place?

This piece was written in my high school creative writing class, with a time limit of a few minutes and edits only for spelling, and with the prompt "I've always loved the smell of rainfall and gasoline"-- which, honestly, may need to be the basis of a new fic, because it's fuckin' badass. Anyways, the point is that honestly, a lot of the stuff I wrote back then? Shit. Such goddamn shit. Not as shitty as my Mary Sue, OOC CATS the musical fic from eighth grade (which shut up, I still love that musical), but still. Shit. But this is one of those pieces that isn't just good-- I think it might be better than I am now. It also reminds me of the fact that, while I'm damn proud of my NaNo and I'm going to write a whole novel one day, I've never been as good at long pieces as I am at tiny little ficlets like this one. It's raw and unpolished and short and I can't believe I wrote it.

So anyways, with probably about a fifth (at most) of the total words in the post, here it is.

Title: Rainfall and Gasoline
Fandom: Get Backers
Rating: T
Summary: Raitei, Ginji's axe lightning-crazy alter ego-only-not-exactly, comes out to play.
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.

I've always loved the smell of rainfall and gasoline…

It means my power is full. Ginji doesn't often let me out to play. But when the heavens crackle with power and the gasoline stings my nose, so easy to ignite, I can sometimes push through. I can break out for a minute or two, show the enemy what it truly is to challenge the Lightning Emperor. The Limitless Fortress is my true base of power… but any port in a storm, right?

I wish Ginji would let me out to play more often, though. It's so exciting. Like now.

The heavens are filled with power.

The gasoline's screaming to burn.

The enemy asks me for death.

Time to play.

fandom:get backers, rating: t, thoughts on life, fanfic, ficcage is my life guys, anneka!classic, writing

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