NaNo 2011: The Re-En-Failening

Dec 01, 2011 01:04


Well, it's over, and... I FAILED! :D

Nah, seriously though, I'm so proud of myself guys. I only managed to get to 28,446 words (or about 57% of the goal), but that's well over twice what I've ever managed before. Also, though I definitely slacked more than I should have, I feel pretty good about my decision to devote the last five-ish days to focusing on the fact that I'm sick, rather than attempting to bang out an extra couple thousand words of delirious nonsense. First there was what I'm pretty sure was minor food poisoning (that I think can actually be traced to a salad I had the day before Thanksgiving), which led to what some might delicately term "violent disagreements between me and my intestines on the subject of how food ought to be handled, resulting in my intestines staging an admittedly very creative but entirely un-enjoyable protest", and then in the middle of that I had a fever (99.9! I WAS SO CLOSE TO TRIPLE DIGITS!), which I really think provided a nice tidy transition into the ridiculous cold I'm in the midst of now.

Anyways, this eternally-untitled NaNo shall not die, because for once I actually want to keep on with my NaNo! Weird! However, I might be taking a small amount of time to work on my Christmas (I mean, functionally also Hannukah/Saturnalia/generic winter holiday that doesn't really have to do with Jesus, but come on-- Santa!) present to you lovely people! Er... at least the ones in the fandoms I end up writing in this little Christmas project. So. Hopefully all of you!

Still haven't found a new job, a situation I'm almost positive is in some way related to the fact that I haven't started looking for one yet, but the neighbors had me petsit their cat Jitterbug and their Labradoodle Lexi (who ohmygod may be tied with Hewie as the dog I must someday have) and I got sixty bucks out of it! They've also asked me to babysit tomorrow night, so that's ten or fifteen bucks right there! :D

And oh my god, Christmas is coming. Christmas! EEEEEEEEEEE! I still react like a child (I like to think that I mean this almost exclusively in the good way) about Christmas, snow, animals, all that nonsense. I mean. CHRISTMAS! It's weird now I'm sort of not a Christian any more, but I still love all of Christmas-- the Jesusy parts included. My first church service in over a year will definitely be the late-night Christmas Eve service, because I miss it so much! Even if I don't believe, how can you not want a beautiful church filled with candles, carols, a story you grew up with, and that magical sense of love and good will that Christmas brings out in so many people?

Gah. Off to be excited about goddamn CHRISTMAS and study for my Sociology test. Talk at me, though! How was NaNo for you (or what were you doing instead)? What are you pumped about for Christmas or whatever the holidays mean for you? What euphemistically described illnesses have you had fun with lately? SWAMP MY INBOX WITH CHATTER.

hey i wonder what's up with anne?, employment shenanigans, writing, christmas yaaaay, animals, nanowrimoyaaaaay

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