Fic: Mayhem

Aug 25, 2011 07:54

Title: Mayhem
Fandom: Thor, Allstate commercials
Rating: T
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Prompt: Like the subject says, Loki and Mayhem (yes, from the Allstate commercials). It's love at first gigantic destructive whatever.
Summary:  Loki and Thor have a visitor in the bedroom.
Note: This is really just a mini-fill, ( Read more... )

rating: t, gay gay gay gay gay, fandom: allstate/mayhem, fanfic, fandom: thor, fandom: marvel

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unsettledink August 25 2011, 22:23:12 UTC


anneka_neko August 25 2011, 22:49:09 UTC

I'm actually partway through another piece, but it's in a decidedly different 'verse than this cracky little mini-fill. Have a snippet:

Mayhem swallows. He isn't sure what to do. He's never had a conversation before. The man steps closer, and Mayhem steps away. He feels the bricks of the basement he was about to start a leak in against his back. "Who..." he says shakily, voice unused to being heard, "who are you?"

The man smiles, stepping so close that their chests are brushing gently against each other. "I'm Loki," he says, slender fingers playing with Mayhem's tie.


unsettledink August 25 2011, 22:55:13 UTC


korosho August 26 2011, 03:02:25 UTC
I can't wait for this.
/stalking from Norsekink.


anneka_neko August 26 2011, 03:13:08 UTC
Heeee, thank you! I'll warn you that it might take a while (see: the fact that I just finished a oneshot I started in July), as I can only write srsbzns!fic for so long before I need to take a break, BUT IT SHALL BE DONE. And then posted to the prompt.


maverikloki August 30 2011, 03:42:07 UTC
*perks ears* 8D

I need more of this Mayhem/Loki-ness in my life.


anneka_neko August 30 2011, 15:55:27 UTC
Thank you! :D And I know! They aren't just wonderful to read, you know-- they've really completely moved into my brain as a set. There's something so wonderfully right about them, you know?

I'm about twice as far into this fic as I was when I posted that, and I should be writing much more quickly now I have another week of classes to not pay attention to. xD So hopefully I should be posting it pretty soon. Have another bit!

"I can see you," Loki whispers against Mayhem's ear, sending shivers down his spine, "because I'm your god." And if Mayhem was ever going to choose a god, it would have been Loki. The emotion of being seen and the pleasure of the moment are combining in an intoxicating whirlwind of desire, drawing him inexorably to Loki. Loki's hands are tugging on Mayhem's tie, pulling it loose, and Mayhem's head hits the bricks behind him as Loki's teeth scrape his neck.


maverikloki August 30 2011, 22:12:53 UTC
OooOOOoh! *purrrrrs* I can't wait to read the rest of this! Soooo much potentionial! 8D *chinhands*


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