Fic: Butcher (4/7)

Mar 28, 2011 23:29

Title: Butcher (4/7)
Fandom: Megamind
Rating: M
Warning: future noncon, violence
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: There's a murderer loose in Metro City, and his victims have a connection.
Note: Posting now for megapotterhead , because gdi using a Megamind!jizzface icon and then making me imagine said icon shuffling forlornly off to shool, having been denied fic, is manipulation. :<
Note 2: This chapter may feel like a little less than you were expecting, after the last one, but that's because I promise promise promise I'm setting up a hella big ending starting in chapter five. Also because I had so much writer's block I just wanted to get this chapter over with so I could move on to the good stuff.
Note 3: (So many notes! Sorry, I'll shut up!) In case you were unaware, a rectory is like a house for a priest (aka a vicarage, parsonage, or manse), as in "you do priesty rector-y things for our church, and we give you a nearby house." Often used in a Catholic context, but in this case Anglican-- headcanon says the Scotts are Episcopalian/Anglican, simply because even if I'm not on team Jesus any more, I still totally root for team Anglican.

Chapter Four

Wayne's relationship with his adoptive father had always been tense, and of course it made sense that the death of Lady Scott would bring on a period of grief, confusion, and general ill-temper on both sides, but it still seemed as though things were inexplicably the worst they'd ever been. Wayne got the distinct impression Lord Scott blamed him for his mother's death, and, though he'd long since given up on anything remotely resembling paternal acceptance and love, he still thought it was more than a bit unfair of the universe to ask him to deal with stony silences and accusing glares along with everything else.

The day of Lady Scott's funeral, Wayne just left in the middle of an argument just after the service. He was sick of this. It seemed as though the recent crime wave had involved nothing but attacks on people he cared about, and Lord Scott couldn't bury the hatchet even for this? He went back to his hide-out, feeling terribly lonely, and leaned back in the grass to stare listlessly up at the gray, drizzly sky.


The Metro City Butcher leaned against a wall, catching his breath. Drowning a man was harder than it looked, though it was certainly worth it. The blood swirled gently out from the gashes in the lifeless face, mixing oh-so prettily with the lukewarm water of the tub like something straight out of Shark Week.

With a demented giggle, the Butcher began cutting gill slits into the side of the mutilated neck.


“Sir, where were you?” Minion asked, fretting over getting Megamind out of his soggy, high-collared raincoat. “Oh, come on, I made you some hot chocolate-- you could have caught your death of cold!”

Megamind waved off his sidekick's worrying. “I was at the prison, Minion. Nobody there knows who this new murder is. It's most puzzling,” he added, sounding peeved. Megamind wasn't used to problems he couldn't solve.

Minion sighed, still shooing his boss into the kitchen for hot chocolate. “We'll figure it out, sir. There must be some connection--”

“Minion!” Megamind's eyes were bulging.

“What, sir?!”

“There is a connection!”


Wayne sat up suddenly, a sickening thought making his stomach churn violently. All of the victims were women he was connected to in one way or another... He started to stand up at the same instant his phone rang.


“Met-- Mus-- Wayne, Roxanne, she's--”

“I know, I just realized that too!”

“What should we do? Hide her with you?”

Wayne frowned, thinking. “No,” he said slowly. “No, that's no good. This villain is targeting people connected to me, right? They'd think of looking at my place.” A thought occurred to him. “We'll hide her with you. It isn't as obvious, and you can still call me if anything happens.”

“Okaaaaay...” Megamind's voice trailed off distractedly, and Wayne could hear the volume of what sounded like a TV increasing. When he spoke again, Megamind's voice shook. “Um... Wayne?”


“The news. Uh.” The sound of swallowing. “They're saying they just found your father at the rectory.” Wayne's heart stopped. “He's... he's dead.”

where is the slash anne?, fanfic, rating: m, fandom: megamind

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