Mar 16, 2010 18:44
You know, for such an adorably spastic little dough-ball of a man, Glenn Beck's kind of an idiot.
But this latest thing? This social justice rant? I didn't even know you could get that incomprehensibly tangled up in your own BS. I challenge you, anyone out there, to listen to that rant with a straight face. You can't do it. You just can't.
God, I love FOX News. I mean, don't get me wrong-- I dislike it immensely. But imagine how much humor we'd lose if FOX was gone! No O'Reilly, no Beck, no Hannity, no crazy Asian chick whose name escapes me but who's terrifyingly, hilariously deluded, no Steve Douchey, no Brown-Haired-Guy-Who's-Not-Steve-Doocy, no creepy blonde lady who gives new meaning to "dumb blonde"... what a sad, LOLless place the world would be!
thoughts on life