Sep 24, 2010 11:31

Hey guys! Guess what!

I finally got my driver's license! Wooooooooo! Now I can like... DRIVE PLACES AND SHIT. And like. YEAH.

Plus I just got my dad to buy me a new purse and a new Fossil wallet. :3 IL getting him to buy me things. And they're both so pretty, and my wallet has a ladybug on it! :D



And then *dreamy sigh~* I'm coming up on four months with Hunter, my *~BOYFRIEND~* and just. I love him so much. I just. <3 I can't even.

And then the DVD of The Road to El Dorado should be getting here today, and I'm almost all caught up on homework, and I missed lab on Wednesday but there's a makeup lab on Sunday so I'll still have my one lab grade I can drop that I'll probs use on the climate change lab (well that depends-- if people in my class just all say they believe in global warming, it'll be an easy lab, so JUST SAY IT, DUMBASSES!), and I got about fifteen hours on the clock this pay period, so I should be getting about $120, minus a bit for tax of course, but still! And just THIS IS A GOOD DAY, GUYS.

How're you guys? :D Tell me, tell me! Let's have a big hugfest and talk about our lives and our ISSUES and shit!

hey i wonder what's up with anne?, my boyfriend guys i love him so much, anne stop buying pointless things, thoughts on life, rl can be epic too, work is a place to earn money, school is school

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