NEW Little Daniel FOY Podcast and The Colonel and the Kid X-mas podcast

Feb 21, 2013 18:42

My dear friends iiiionly and darcy have been busy over the last couple of weeks/months to add new podcasts to the For Eyes website.

I don't know about any other Little Daniel podcasts so these are pretty special to me - well, for people who do love kidfic and LD anyway. Several podfics have been added here. The continuing adventures of Daniel from the "Fountain of Youth" series as well as the little guy from darcy's "The Colonel and the Kid" series.

All are gen. The FOY podfics do have a huge amount of h/c and bits of angst, the "Colonel and the Kid" ones are Christmas podfics and lovely fluffy holiday fics. One of my personal favorites of the newer FOY podfics is "The Littles Angel" which is a Christmas story as well - very darling and again with a bit of h/c thrown in.

The newest FOY is "I see dead People" - which needs a bit of a tissue warning as it deals with Jack's loss of Charlie and Little Daniel's loss of his parents - but also has a huge awwww factor and a bit of adult Daniel in it. The music for this comes from the Sixth Sense movie and is more than appt!

The Colonel and the Kid podfic "The Last Call" is about Little Daniel meeting Santa at the mall. It was written for the LD List Christmas Challenge in 2011 as my very own stocking stuffer by darcy :) If you're there and enjoy "The Last Call" you might want to also check out "Ravenous Reindeers" from the same series.

Even if you are not a lover of kidfic and LD, maybe you know people who are - so please spread the word if you like. These podfics are taking you on a journey right smack into the middle of Daniel's and Jack's adventures. They are rich with music and sound effects and even if you've read the story, you should give this a go as it gives the stories even more life.

That's all :)

kid fic, podcasts, little daniel

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