1. Happy birthday,
I hope you have a wonderful day, honey:)
2. I was sooooooooooooo tired last night. After dinner Mr. Annearchy and I watched
Milk, which had arrived from Netflix. It was very good. Movie ended around 9:20, but my eyelids were drooping long before that. I watched the end of the Brewers-Marlins game (yay 6-3 victory) and went to bed at 10:00 and slept until 6 a.m. I am feeling a lot better today. Never even turned my computer on last night.
3. This morning I got caught up on LJ and went at 8 a.m. to have some fasting blood work done. After that I saw MJB, my nurse practitioner. My weight hadn't changed (at least I had not gained weight) but my blood pressure, which had been 180/90 four weeks ago, was down to 130/82. Not perfect but a vast improvement. I credit 10 mg. Paxil every morning, getting more exercise, watching my sodium intake more carefully and eating a lot less popcorn.
4. If you want to watch an astronaut tweeting from space, you can follow
Mike Massimino on Twitter.