Memeage and stuff

Feb 16, 2009 18:41

1. Stolen from abigail89:

Things you have done during your lifetime:
Bold what you've done; strike out what you'd never do
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school - only if university counts
Watched someone die
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico
Been to Florida
Been to Hawaii
Been on a plane
Flown a plane
Been in a helicopter
Been lost
Gone to Washington, DC
Swam in the ocean
Cried yourself to sleep
Played cops and robbers
Recently coloured with crayons
Sang Karaoke - not often enough!
Paid for a meal with coins only
Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
Been to New York City - waaah!! not yet!
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
Made prank phone calls
Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose & elsewhere
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Danced in the rain-naked
Written a letter to Santa Claus
Been kissed under the mistletoe
Watched the sun rise with someone
Blown bubbles
Gone ice-skating
Gone to the movies
Been deep sea fishing
Driven across the United States
Been in a hot air balloon
Been sky diving
Gone snowmobiling
Lived in more than one country
Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
Seen a falling star and made a wish
Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
Seen the Statue of Liberty
Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
Been on a cruise
Traveled by train
Been on a game show - I won the Cornucopia of Prizes on Whad'Ya Know? once, many years ago.
Traveled by motorcycle
Been horse back riding
Ridden on a San Francisco cable car
Been to Disneyland --- or Disney World (nope, only EPCOT)
Truly believe in the power of prayer
Been in a rain forest
Seen whales in the ocean
Been to Niagara Falls
Ridden on an elephant
Been bungee jumping
Swam with dolphins Sounds lovely but I would drown
Been to the Olympics
Walked on the Great Wall of China
Saw and heard a glacier calf
Been spinnaker flying
Been water-skiing
Been snow-skiing
Been to Westminster Abbey
Been to the Louvre
Swam in the Mediterranean
Been to a Major League Baseball game
Been to a National Football League game

2. Mr. Annearchy's employee JH loaned us his complete set of X-Men videos. We watched X-2 Saturday night (yay!) and last night we were going to watch X-3: The Last Stand. Unfortunately, when Mr. A attempted to remove the DVD from the case, he somehow managed to almost snap it in two o_O I guess he forgot about how you push the spring thing in the middle, which makes the DVD pop up. *sigh* Anyway, today I found another copy of X-3 for $10, so we'll watch that and give it to JH afterwards. I hope Mr. A told JH that he accidentally trashed the DVD; we want him to know that we're replacing the disc that got ruined.

3. I had an odd dream this morning, right before I woke up. I dreamed I was getting hair replacement surgery i.e. hair plugs in the scalp on the back of my head. Those of y'all who have met me know I'm about the last person who needs additional hair :P

4. Is it HIMYM time yet? I told Mr. A we had to wait until 8 p.m. to watch X-3 because "I have to see How I Met Your Mother" first. No DVR, so I have to watch it in real time.

5. So who watched DOLLHOUSE and/or BSG last Friday? Bueller? Anyone?

accidents, mr. annearchy, entertainment: tv, movies, dreams, memeage

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