1. Feeling sort of blah today. My stomach has been bothering me since last night, so my food intake today has consisted of a bowl of cereal, a small banana, a Yoplait yogurt, a piece of dry toast and two cups of peppermint tea. And maybe 3 small grapes. (ETA also a bag of animal crackers, and a bottle of Diet 7Up.) Bleh. The stomach woke me up at 4:30, and I never got back to sleep (alarm rings at 5:30) so I guess I got 5 hours of sleep last night. More bleh.
2. Humor: Dave Barry's take on
2008 in review.
3. I was looking at Snopes.com today and came across this interesting discussion of
the superstitions re: breaking a mirror. I can't recall ever breaking a mirror, but if I had, I don't think I would have known to do any of these things. Have any of y'all broken a mirror and then done something to try to lessen the "curse"?
4. I got all excited last night when I saw that a singer named David was coming to a mid-sized venue here (less than 1,000 seats) in early March. Then I looked closer and realized it was David Archuleta. Sorry, Archie, I'll save my money for someone I like better. *pets BB Archie* He's adorable but I don't think I could listen to him for an hour. Not to mention the packed house of screaming tweens would probably blow my eardrums out.
5. ETA: Well, isn't this a breath of fresh air?
New EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's memo to all EPA employees. I like her already.