NaBloPoMo #3: Election Day minus One and Monday Miscellany

Nov 03, 2008 11:39

1. Less than 24 hours until the polls open. I've already voted but dayum, I'm trying not to sweat bullets. I must adopt the Zen attitude of the guy I voted for last week: "We've done all we can do." Well, I know I could have done more, besides voting for him and giving a total of maybe $100 spread out in $20-$25 chunks over several months, but honestly, due to various circumstances not totally in my control, that's all I felt I could do and retain my sanity. I felt bad when someone called and asked me to canvas and do phone calls a few weeks ago, but honestly? I did what I could. So anyway, I hope everyone who hasn't voted yet will do so on Tuesday. Regardless of whom you support, please use your voting franchise. It's a civic duty. I wish Election Day was a national holiday; then we wouldn't have to worry (so much) about people being annoyed by waiting in long lines.

2. Monday miscellany:

A. Man bowls 300 and then dies of heart attack: "It was like a book, a final chapter," says Place. "He threw his 300 game with all of his friends, gave each other high-fives and it's like the story ended. He died with a smile on his face."

Well if you've gotta go, you should at least go while you're doing something you love. My former boss, for example, died in 1999 while clearing brush on his place Up North.

B. Military men are crashing on sport bikes: "Twenty-five Marines have died in motorcycle crashes since last November -- all but one of them involving sport bikes that can reach speeds of well over 100 mph. The Navy says it's had 33 deaths on motorcycles over the past 12 months -- a 65 percent jump from the previous time period."

C. Boy gets shocked stealing political sign: "Turschak, with a degree in electrical engineering, hooked up a sign to a power source for an electric pet fence Monday and also put up a surveillance camera." Couldn't he have just Tased the kids? Or he could have done like the woman in Texas whose Obama signs got stolen repeatedly - he could have spray-pained a McCain sign on his lawn!

D. Earthquake rocks Dallas area: "The U.S. Geological Survey says a 2.5-magnitude earthquake centered in the Grand Prairie area was reported at 11:25 p.m. Thursday. A slightly stronger 3.0-magnitude quake centered in the Irving area occurred 36 minutes later."

E. 'WATER MONSTER' NEARS EXTINCTION. Mexican cultural legend beset by pollution. - I wonder if it's any relation to the northern snakehead (aka "frankenfish") that caused some consternation a few years ago.

elections, miscellaney

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