1. THE SUBLIME: David Cook will be singing
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, by U2, in Tuesday's finals of American Idol. Yes, I think I've died and gone to heaven. I've wanted to hear him sing this ever since he was in the Top 24. This is my favorite U2 song, and I can't wait for him to rock the hell out of it. Don't know what his other 2 songs will be yet; I almost can't stand the wait until tomorrow night. Mr. Annearchy has already set the VCR for me so I'll be watching DC and voting my fingers off for him (1-866-436-5701, 436-5703 and 436-5705) for as long as I can stand it (I guess the voting period is 4 hours, instead of 2, for the final?). Yes I am flailing my fangirly toddler fists of glee right now. IS IT TUESDAVE YET??!
2. And now the ridiculous: We got our AT&T phone bill today and almost had heart attacks. It was something like $780. We do have a family cell phone plan (3 phones, 1 for each of us) and more than $100 of that was for our land line and our Internet DSL service. But AT&T believes we have almost $500 in text messaging charges adskja8fjh$ wtf?!. They believe that DD ran up more than $400 of them and I ran up almost $100 worth - but I can count on one hand the number of text messages (at 20 cents each) I have sent in the 7 months since we got our phones. SO WTF AT&T. We're going to pay the mo-fo phone bill because we can't prove we didn't run them up. But we're also going on a family-plan $30/month for texting, even though I NEVER EFFING TEXT ANYONE. AT&T wants to believe that DD was sending 70 texts PER DAY for the past month - and she says she has never even tried to text anyone on her phone. So WTF is going on, we have no idea. Supposedly I received over 200 texts last month - but wouldn't they have shown up in my in-box? Because I sure never saw any texts in there. WTF. Seriously. ETA: Okay, everyone is advising me to fight the hell out of these charges. I just know my DH hates spending hours on the phone with the AT&T-holes, not that I can blame him. But they supposedly have all these outgoing and incoming calls? Well, where are they? Give me some numbers, dammit.
Between waiting for the sublime and being pissed off at the ridiculous, I think I need a Xanax. Or maybe a drink.