1. The weather was actually decent today but for some reason it's given me a sinus headache tonight. Bah. I've also got this crappy feeling of stuffiness high up in the roof of my mouth, up where it leads into the back of your nose. I hate post-nasal drip. At least we've had a killing frost, so I can hope the ragweed is dead now. *growls at allergies*
2. Darling Daughter is learning how to produce her own videos using Windows Movie Maker. I'm sort of wishing her middle school had an A/V Club because she does seem to enjoy this stuff. I'm considering getting her a cheapish digital camera for Christmas so that she would stop USING MINE all the time. Anyway she knows how to add opening and closing credits and how to save the original .mpg or .avi file into a .wmv, which is a good start.
3. Darling Daughter is also involved in Volleyball Club at school right now. I'm SO glad she's found a sport she really likes! Maybe I can convince her to get involved in some volleyball clinics during the winter. *crosses fingers*
4. Last but not least, a couple of birthdays:
Happy birthday,
Happy birthday,
Happy birthday, my lovelies! I hope you both had a wonderful day :D
5. Our choir is doing
this piece Wednesday night at a Thanksgiving-eve service (as part of a much larger combined choir of three congregations). It is an absolutely gorgeous piece; I hope someone records it so I can get an MP3 of it and post it somewhere. I have to say I love the tenor harmony on this song; IMO the tenors have THE best part (well, maybe I like it best because I can actually sing it, though some of it is a tad low for me). The last line is amazing, and the song resolves on the most beautiful chord ever. Gah, am I becoming a choir geek all of a sudden? :)) I wish my stupid high school (long ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth) had had a choir, but alas the nuns and teachers there had no musical talent so we had no choir, chorus, etc.