Oct 15, 2005 21:03
hey hey everyone,
today becky and i experienced the utter jubilation that comes from discovering the perfect perfume. I ended up falling in love with Touch of Pink by Lacoste... every time i smell my wrist it makes me happy. I will be even happier when i actually get my hands on a bottle of it. Too expensive for me right now... i'm asking mommy and daddy for some for christmas. The last time i had perfume i was in 7th grade and a sixth grade boy gave me a bottle of Fetish as a present.
Anyway, yeah yeah yeah, we had fun today, now i'm studying (or something) and preparing to go to a co-op house party at 84 lowther. At the moment, though, my brain is still on the subject of material things, and wondering whether they should be important to me, how important, and if it's possible for certain things to NOT be important to me, in our society. Such as my perfume or the eyeshadow i saw today in sephora. All these things that are so nice and feminine... well, at least i feel lucky and know how affluent i am to even be able to consider buying them. that's gotta count for my karma in some way.
Or, i could just say, things are things, i know that, and i don't get out of hand with what I buy, and i can just leave it at that.
I wonder if one day i'll have money, and what i'll spend it on. I have priorities for then. Am i supposed to be saving up now?? And for what?? Help, help, help, i don't know anything.
aand another livejournal entry dissolves into confusion. lates, people!