May 27, 2010 21:48
Feeling a bit meh about the prospects in NYC this summer. There's no bigger city, no more exciting city, and there's nothing that's happening that is particularly tickling my fancy. The concert and movie menus are being rolled out, and I'm sure there will be pub crawls and scavenger hunts and bike rides in the sun, but I'm feeling a bit bored by it - or at least not as pumped as I should be. I've got Futureheads on my calendar with a big red heart scrawled next to it, and that's about it.
I don't think I'll have the funds handy to go anywhere for my birthday shindig this year, but I'm bored by the idea of doing it in NYC again. Maybe seeing Fiery Furnaces? Nothing's wrong with that option, but it's kind of, I've done the NYC party before, I've gone out to concerts before, I want something new and interesting. I was thinking of throwing a party at my place - a theme party! - but I'm not talented at bringing large groupings together. Or at least, not to the middle of Queens.
I know I'll get scolded for this - the obvious question is, if not NYC, then where? I don't know. I miss England and would be happy moving there and living in a little village for the rest of my life shooing hedgehogs out of the garden, but I'm not making these statements to say I have to go to England. I'm just surprised - especially in light of keeping so busy and active lately - that I'm not more excited by the idea of sticking around. Maybe I'm more than just literally getting old.