Where to begin! Well we got up in Toledo and had a very quick breakfast and headed out to the bus and off to Sevilla.
It was a 5 hr trip. About 2 hours in, we stopped at a rest stop and grabbed a few things. I bought a small bottle of olive oil y saffron. I will add more details to this later but we moved on after about 45 minutes.
So we made it to Sevilla and rather quickly to our hotel. It's in the old quarter. The was a procession getting ready to start so we just made it in here in time before it closed the streets. I shopped a bit with Shannon and bought a scarf (negro/black)
We headed out at 3 to goto the Catedral de Sevilla. Since Semana Santa is going we couldn't have a guided tour so we had to wander ourselves but Hugo gave us help previous and told us what to see and all that. We climbed to the top of the bell tower. It's made like ramps not steps. Hugo told us that it was done that way so the horses could go up there. 34 flights later we made it up. Nice view from there. Very gothic. Actually the biggest gothic Catedral in the world.
Hugo met us at the exit and we made our way through the procession crowds and not too far was Museo de Flamenco. We had a dance lesson. Funny but fun too. I didn't do bad nor good just managed. Then we toured the museum and then saw the show. Truly amazing talent and art is flamenco. I saw it in Madrid but this is FAR FAR better. ¡Magnífico!
This is just one of the many pictures I took.
So, after the show we had reservations. Well we had to find an alternate way because of the processions so it took us longer than normal to get there but we made it. Very nice atmosphere and food.
We were really done with the tour technically but we had time so we planned on walking across the river to see the city at night. Again the processions hampered us but we got some super awesome pics of that!
We finally made it across and got the views. Then back around to our hotel. I'm missing lots of info but hey it's like 1:30 am here! Darn wifi won't work in my room so I'm down in the lobby.
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